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The Spirituality of World Governance

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:21 pm
by saint701
Hello All,


Are you ready to become a part of a global government? Global governance is the hot topic of each day among the elitists around the world. It is one thing to discuss global governance, but it is quite another to pull it off. But our Lord of Lords King of Kings Almighty God Love Dad has said such will be. This world government will have many of the characteristics of a revived Roman Empire. Since our focus here must be spirituality, let us examine the spirituality of world governance being a type of a revived Roman Empire, and examine its true nature from the beginning of man.

First of all, what spirituality will be accommodated? As we recall, in ancient Rome many Gods were tolerated, as such helped keep the Roman Empire at rest. Of course, the chief deity was the Ceasar of the day. All had to bow the knee to him, but were then free to go about their business of worshipping their other gods. We would think the same would be true in a present version. Now this present preimmenant (Ceasar) individual must be a super elitist exhibiting those qualities of a truly super "quantum leap into the God class kind of being. ( We say being, because elitists indeed believe nature has elected them into this "god class," and that "they only will survive" as nature naturally selects the rest of us out of their defined future). And, like ancient Rome, elitists that will rule this new world empire will believe themselves to be deities, and the rest of us, "just human."

Many years ago, in fact back in the 1980's, we did some research into the belief system of Secular Humanism. What we found was that these individuals had a global vision of themselves deified by some "quantum jump into the "god class," and as such should preside over the rest of us, as we are sort of incapable of making decisions on our own. In fact, the rest of us are quite expendable should there be some resistance among the masses, as revolution is necessary from time to time to advance the global vision. (Socialism, Communism, or a combination of both)

As to their spirituality, some 6,000 years ago a man and a woman were told that if they would eat of the fruit of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would become wise, and as god. Unfortunately, these two believed the lie, and in so doing took upon themselves the nature of the tree which was dead to the reality of the true nature of their creator, which was love. Time passed, and the farther man traveled down the road of time, the more separated he became from his creator. Today, many are simply spiritually dead. They prefer that state, enjoy believing a lie, and are quite anit-semitic and anti-christ. They believe themselves to be not as god, but god. They are dead to the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Lord God Almighty Love Dad.

One of the most fascinating pictures describing God in the Old Testament is that there is no other like Him, declaring the end from the beginning. Such paints a portrait of "The Garden of Eden" being a predictor of the final days before the coming of our Lord Jesus. Adam, (all dead to Christ, especially the elitists), believe the lie of the serpent, (Satan), that they are gods, and deny the existence of the tree of life, (Christ), which was right there in their midst, (Christians that have been born again of the Spirit of God) and represent the Tree of Life, (Christ), on Earth today. Even though the Tree of Life was right there among them all the time, (us), these modern day Adamic traitors refuse to eat of it. Ultimately, the Tree of Life will be hidden from them because of their denial of it, and death will reign over them forever.

The spiritual nature of the elitists, those that proclaim the path of global governance, and those that do not believe in Christ Jesus is death.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.