Burning the Quran, a spiritual analysis

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Burning the Quran, a spiritual analysis

Postby saint701 » Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:23 pm

Hello All,


Our initial reaction to the Rev. Terry Jones of Florida and his 50 member congregation's scheduled Quran book burning this coming Saturday was outrage. Some of us heard and felt the same screech on the chalkboard at President Bush's announcement that we would invade Iraq years ago. Nevertheless, we have refrained from offering our spiritual analysis of the upcoming event to reflect what the light of scripture offers for our understanding about Rev. Jones action.

First of all, God is love and peace. There are no book burnings in the Kingdom of Heaven above. Our Lord's way, as previously discussed by this author is that we are to love our enemies and be peace makers. This is the path of discipleship and of our becoming of the sons of God.

But! We live in view of the signs that the coming of our Lord draws near. There will be war in heaven and there will be war here. Certain things must take place despite our spiritual understanding of our Lord's spoken view 2,000 years ago to justify our passivity or aggression. Soon He will come as Lord of Lords and King of Kings and make war with those here on earth in opposition to His Lordship.

In view of our Lord's soon coming does such justify overt acts such as Quran book burning? We ask this question in light of the fact Islam intends to conquer the world, i.e., kill the infidel, or all those not willing to bow the knee to Allah. Islam awaits the coming of their 12th Imam and are prepared to bring war to this planet in order to make that Imam appear.

Does our Lord's soon coming justify such acts as the burning of the Quran? For the majority of us we would conclude,
Nevertheless, the Apostle Paul has taught us that rendering our lives a living sacrifice is our reasonable service to our Divine Father.


[1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Thus, we must remember that Paul himself went bound in the spirit to Jerusalem knowing all his fellow prophets had continually warned him not to because he would be captured and imprisoned. Good did come of that action as it was our Lord's will he preach the gospel in Rome.

And, we must remember all those that offered themselves a living sacrifice by refusing to bow the knee to the gods of Rome during some 300 years of persecution. Many 10s of thousands were martyred.

That the Rev. Terry Jones of Florida and his congregation are willing to offer themselves as spiritual sacrifices in opposition to a religion whose ultimate goal is to enslave and kill all opposed must cause us to pause and reflect. While we see the Rev. Jones action as one which will bring his death and possibly the deaths of many other Christians around the world, we can not absolutely say that his action is not the will of our Lord of Lords King of Kings Lord God Almighty Love Dad.

We must wait and see.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
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Postby lizzie » Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:44 pm

Hello dear brother *hug*

Always glad to read your posts :)

Personally, I dont understand what the actual act of burning the Koran hopes to accomplish...

I mean is it going to further the Christian cause? Will it help us win souls for the Lord?

I dunno... Im thinking its just gonna cause anger and possibly hardening of hearts.

I love my moslem brothers and sisters, in fact tomorrow is Eid here. I know this will cause many of them pain and they will see hatred from Christians instead of love as we keep telling them we are all about.

I just dont know how its gonna work in favor of spreading the Gospel.

But... I do luv ya *hug5*

Thanks so much for posting on this and sharing your thoughts.
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The mosque at ground zero

Postby saint701 » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:11 pm

Hi Lizzie, All,


Lizzie, you said:

Personally, I dont understand what the actual act of burning the Koran hopes to accomplish...

I mean is it going to further the Christian cause? Will it help us win souls for the Lord?

I dunno... Im thinking its just gonna cause anger and possibly hardening of hearts.

I love my moslem brothers and sisters, in fact tomorrow is Eid here. I know this will cause many of them pain and they will see hatred from Christians instead of love as we keep telling them we are all about.

I just dont know how its gonna work in favor of spreading the Gospel.

Well, thank the Lord the Quran burning didn't happen. And thank you Lizzie for your analysis above. But I think we also have to put the shoe on the other foot and feel the pain and anguish our own countrymen are feeling and have been feeling over the proposed mosque building near ground zero. That mosque, if built, will only deepen the pain of our people.

To them, that 13 story mosque building is a statement by a king of an Islamic country giving glory to Allah for conquering us. That mosque shames this whole nation. That mosque is a declaration of Islam conquering the world.

Yes, we are supposed to love our enemies, but we are to first love our own brothers and sisters here in America. I, for one will be praying that a mosque never be completed near ground zero for the sake of those of our nation still suffering from wounded hearts at the loss of their dearest loved ones.

What would the Quran burning have proven? Nothing positive. Would our commitment to the furtherance of the gospel be dulled somewhat? Yes indeed.

However, what perplexes me is that we Christians are not as passionate about Jehovah, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords and King of Kings Almighty God Love Dad as Muslims are about Allah.

They pray 5 times a day. How often do we pray?

On the one hand it is great that we Americans are willing to turn the other cheek over the mosque. On the other, we fail the greater love test on behalf of our own countrymen, if that mosque is completed near ground zero.

As a citizen of this great nation, and before the thrown of heaven, I protest against the building of it! This nation must return to its Christian roots. If they pray 5 times a day, shouldn't we pray 7?

Love you too, Liz, All.

L,ICJ, Den.
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