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Ready for a Jobian Adventure?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:58 am
by saint701
Hello All,


Good morning All! Hope you have had a great week in the Lord! Let's praise Him today!

First of all, what is a Jobian adventure? A Jobian adventure is a trial of our faith in, dedication to, and love of God. Jobian refers to Job, that revered saint of Satanic torture of whom The Book of Job is written about. Revelation chapter 3 tells us there is a time of temptation coming to try all here on this planet. Such, we believe, will be a Jobian adventure for us all at least for a time. Were any raptured during Katrina?

Jesus tells us the time of our trial will arrive as the flood did in the day of Noah. (Matt:24). He tells us everyone will be too busy to notice others preparing to endure such if necessary like Noah and his family. They will be going about their business as usual. They will ignore all warning signs, or see them, but explain them away as nonsense.

Are we prepared for our Jobian adventure? Have we seen the signs of its coming? Have we fortified our faith in, dedication to, and love of God? Or are we lagging behind, too busy for such nonsense? If we haven't made our peace with God yet, then perhaps it is time to do so. Isn't it time we let the light of our Lord's glorious gospel open up our eyes to the day we are living in? Who knows when it will be our turn for that old Jobian adventure to begin in our lives.

It isn't too late. Revival is everywhere around us. Being filled with the Spirit of God comes with our believing in Him and asking Him. Do not put it off, our Jobian adventure awaits. What is it going to take to wake us up? How will we endure if we have not fortified our faith in, dedication to, and love of God? Are we as strong as Job in our believing? If not, we best get there in a hurry!

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:39 am
by Mackenaw
Hello Saint :)

God bless you this day.

Thank you for sharing about Job. Much to consider. :)

You know, I've often wondered how Job would have fared had his 3 friends not come by. Would Job have been tempted further by loneliness and his own thoughts and pain?

Interesting... :)

God bless and keep you, Saint.