Understanding Effective Spiritual Prayer

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Understanding Effective Spiritual Prayer

Postby saint701 » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:21 am

Hello All,

Our discussion of recent days has been on spiritual things both light and dark, of the 2 spiritual kingdoms in conflict on this planet, of their effects on this planet both positive and negative. Both kingdoms have subjects that pray effectively. Our focus today is upon those of the Kingdom of Heaven that understand how to enhance, increase, or be of benefit to themselves and others through prayer.

These individuals, male and female, are powerful individuals, knowing and understanding their relationship to their Father, God Almighty. They are His children. They know Him personally and intimately. They understand their status as kings, priests, and prophets on this planet. They understand their status as blood bought family members of the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords. They know and understand their rights and privileges of members of a Royal Family. They know and understand that their access to their Lord of Lords and King of Kings Dad depends on their right standing with Him, not only having His righteousness, but doing those right things that a King expects of His sons and daughters.

Nothing is impossible for these children of God. All things are possible for them through prayer to their Heavenly Love God Dad when they align themselves with His right love way of living. Following is an example of a love prayer that increases spiritual life in a child of God. Such occurs because we pray this prayer loving our Heavenly Love God Dad with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength with every emotional love fiber of our total being.

Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus, we praise you today, we worship you, we give you glory. Father, we love and adore you. Please make your home in us this day and allow us to make our home in you Christ Jesus, and your Comforter, the Holy Spirit to make His home in us.

Father, please love us today as you loved the Lord Jesus, Jesus in us, and you in Jesus, that the world may know you have loved us as you have loved the Lord Jesus.

Lord Jesus, We believe in you this day, and ask that we do the works that you did and greater works because you went to the Father. We pray that we might walk love with you this day.

Father, we pray that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit teach us all things, and bring all things to our remembrance that Jesus has said to us.

Lord Jesus, we receive the peace that you have given us, and pray that you give us your peace.

Lord Jesus, we pray that we abide in you this day, and you abide in us, that we might bear much fruit, even all good fruit, especially love, joy, and peace, faith, hope and love, that the Father that is in you be glorified.

Lord Jesus, we ask that we might abide in you this day, through your love and your words, that your words abide in us, so that we can ask what we will, and it will be done to us. We ask this day, Lord Jesus, that you abide in us, and we in you, so we can bring glory to the Father and you, by bearing much fruit. We ask that your words abide in us, and that the Holy Spirit teach us all things. We ask that we be cleansed by the words that you speak to us, and love one another as you have loved us, that we might be one in the Father, in you, and the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, we ask that the fruit we produce because we abide in you, remain, and that we bear much fruit, and the Father give us those things we ask for.

Lord Jesus, we believe in you. We ask that we might see you and be with you where you are. Amen and Amen.
Father, in the blessed name of Jesus, we just praise you today, we worship you, we give you glory. Father, we love and adore you.

Lord Jesus, please show us plainly of the Father by revealing yourself to us today.

Father, we pray we feel your love for us today, because we love the Lord Jesus.

Lord Jesus, we pray that we might have peace this day through these things you have spoken to us.

Father, we pray we might have eternal life this day through the knowledge of you and the Lord Jesus.

Father, we pray that we might have the joy of the Lord Jesus fulfilled in us this day. We ask that you sanctify us through your word. Your word is truth.

Lord Jesus, we pray that you send us into the world to win souls for your kingdom and glory. We pray that we be made perfect in one. We pray Lord Jesus, that we might behold your glory, glorify you, and have your glory.

Father, please love us as you loved Jesus. Father, please cause your love to be in us, and the Lord Jesus to be in us.

Father, we love and adore you, we worship you, we give you glory and thanks that you love us as the Lord Jesus. We pray that you give us work to do in your kingdom, and win souls to your glory and kingdom, and have the joy of the Lord Jesus. In Jesus precious name, we pray, Amen.

Father, in the wonderful name of Jesus, we just praise you today, we worship you, we give you glory. Father, we love and adore you.

We pray this day that we abide in the true vine, our precious Lord Jesus; that the love life that flows through him, flow through us, producing much fruit to your glory; even all of the precious fruit of love, joy, peace, kindness, meekness, faith, faithfulness, temperance and self control; that our love suffer long, be kind and gentle, delight in truth, be supportive, loyal, trustworthy, not keeping a record of wrongs, but forgiving all things, and enduring all things. Amen and Amen!
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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