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The Burning Bush

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:11 pm
by saint701
Hello All,


I am not entirely certain that I have the grace to write this post, but am going to write it in faith believing that I do. Have you ever had that burning bush experience where the fire of God burned in your heart? I hope that you have had that experience. I have often found such extremely comforting. Someone up there is keeping our Kingdom of Heaven Home fires burning for us through His Comforter, the Holy Spirit.

But there is a greater fire for us inside our souls for this day and age that not many have yet experienced. And such really is that same fire that burned the bush of Exodus but did not consume it. This fire is unlike any other fire of God you have ever experienced. It is Christ in you! Not in your heart! Not in your spirit! It is Christ in you!

Now you all that have read some of my posts remember, if you read my post on the fiery trial of the devil, how that I experienced the fire of hell in my soul and such was quite an agonizing and terrifying experience! What I didn't write in that post was about a subsequent fiery experience some 15 years later where I came under the same kind of spiritual attack with better results. I was in the Kingdom of Bahrain at the time.

That time, when the enemy came in, the Lord with His fire of dunamis met him head on. The dunamis of God filled my soul with such mighty fire that the enemy had to retreat. I mean we are talking white hot fire here that did not consume me!

And in the past year and a half I have had 2 more such battles where, when the enemy tried to come in, the fire of God increased in my soul in the proportion needed to drive the enemy off.

So what am I say here? Well, if you look at Revelation 11 you will see that such a fire of God in man like has never been seen on Earth before is coming!

[3] And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
[4] These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
[5] And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.

What I hope I am saying is that if we are here when the 2 witnesses are in the power of God on the Earth, when we see fire come out of their mouths we will recognize our Lord Jesus in them. And when they rise from the dead we will recognize our Lord Jesus in them. I am not saying any more than that at this point.

But there is more, and a very important more at that. We all have to be prepared with the fire of God in us, Christ in us, Christ in our soul, in our minds, just as those of old were. We all have to be gradually conditioned to accept the Abiding Holy Presence of Christ in us as such is our hope of glory! And that coming and now already in some Abiding Holy Presence of the Holy Ghost Fire that is God in Jesus Christ that did not consume the burning bush of God does not consume us either!!!! Such protects us!!!!! And such consumes our adversaries!!!!!!

And still there is more, but that is another day.

Love you in Him, Saint701.