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Take it back!

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 1:47 pm
by saint701
Hi All,


This certainly isn't a post most of us haven't heard at one time or another. But just a reminder that the closer we walk with God the more humbled we are in recognizing the sinfulness and unworthiness of ourselves in doing anything apart from that wonderful grace He gives us in serving Him.

We must recognize that sometimes because of our weakness we do give up ground to the enemy and perhaps do not even realize we have done so because life in the flesh is so easy, losing ground to the enemy is so easy. We forget the teachings of the Apostles about spiritual life, of how such must be guarded and cherished at all cost.

Paul said in Romans 12:12, Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

And in Hebrews he said, Heb.12

[1] Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Let us realize that one little act of selfishness in the presence of the anointing grace of God can quench the Spirit, stop the presence of our Lord from abiding where we are, and bring about a need to war for the display of His grace to return.

Oh how we must remember just how sensitive the Holy Spirit is to our words and actions, that when we are wronged we must recover ourselves by praying for those people, loving those people, forgiving those people until that stain of their wickedness is cleansed from us. We can get soiled by the touch of the world, and when we do the Holy Spirit will lift off of us until we plead the precious blood over our lives and those that have had indignation against us.

We have to take back the territory the wicked one has gained through the mouths and actions of others. And this can only be done on our knees! And of our own slips over into the flesh we must war all the harder to regain that territory. The enemy will make us feel as though the heavens are iron and our prayers brass, but such is the lie of the enemy. For as we go boldly to the throne of grace where our Loving Father looks down on the blood of Jesus, we are still His accepted and beloved children in His sight, and He always gives us mercy and grace and cleanses us of all unrighteousness. He always restores us into right standing! So no matter how far we think we have fallen, we must demand our right to restoration through His rich love, grace, and mercy, for He will abundantly pardon!

So we must get on our knees before the Lord, or even on our face before the Lord, and pray His wonderful words of grace He has given us before Him, at the same time demanding our rights to the love, joy, and peace of His house we are members of, and for Satan to leave us.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.