Christianity Oasis Forum

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

The Age of Unnatural Affection

Postby saint701 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:52 pm

Hello Christianity Oasis, All...

Unnatural Affection

The Apostle Paul in his second letter to Timothy describes the last days of this present age as being “Perilous”. Then he follows up this statement with a list of eighteen different characteristics of the sinful people of the last days. In that list is one trait that is referred to as “Without natural affection” (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
What exactly does the description “without natural affection” mean? At the time the King James Bible was translated the word “Unnatural” was not popularly used, so in order to refer to something unnatural they would often use a combination of words, such as is found in this verse in scripture. Today, we would probably say it like this: “Unnatural Affection.” So, for something to be “Without natural affection” it would be “unnatural.”
The word “Unnatural” is defined as “Not in the original state” and “corrupted”, “spoiled”, “artificial” and “altered from what is natural.” Now we understand that the state the world at the end of this age will be characterized as being populated by people who have rejected what is natural for mankind and have embraced an unnatural lifestyle.
The word “affection” speaks of a person’s love, of what they cherish, and what they adore. The people of the last days will be a people who hold the unnatural state in high esteem, they will be a people who love things that are against nature.
We see this every day in the world all around us. No longer is the natural state of people normal. It is adversely abnormal. No, this is not everyone, but it is definitely a growing trend that gains more ground with every passing year. Normal is no longer enough to satisfy a sizable group of people. They want things that are completely alien and strange and are willing to take huge risks to embrace it.
Normal hairstyles are not good enough. At one time women colored their hair to hide a little gray as they aged. Now they color their hair green, and purple, and bright pink – none of those colors are natural hair colors produced by human DNA. Ear-piercing has turned into nose piercing, tongue piercing, eyebrow piercing, lip piercing, cheek piercing, bellybutton piercing, and just about anywhere else a person can find enough loose skin to impale. Bodies are covered with a plethora of tattoos from head to toe. Now, people are resorting to cutting off parts of their bodies, such as their earlobes to produce an unnatural appearance. Teeth filing to sharp points is now a thing. The natural state of people is just not good enough for a growing number of people. What will be next?
Sexual relationships between a husband and wife are now looked at as something archaic, only to be replaced with homosexuality, bi-sexuality, bondage, threesomes, orgies, and even bestiality. It is unnatural! Pornography has fueled this obsession with unnatural sexual relationships. Some people are even identifying of mewling babies, kitty cats, deer, and an entire zoo’s compliment of beasts.
Dress styles are growing stranger and stranger. Yes, there is a lot of flexibility when it comes to clothing, and most of us like to wear clothing that is best suited to our personality. There is nothing wrong with that if the clothing meets the test of modesty and sobriety. Today, anything goes in this area. Just take a look at the red-carpet events of the celebrities and you will be shocked by what is being worn (or not worn). One pop singer wore a “Meat Suit” made up of raw meat. No longer is it just women trying to dress like men, but men are walking the red-carpet in dresses, skirts, and flowery blouses. Really, there is nothing that these demented people will not attempt in their efforts to get a gasp out of the public. What the celebrity wears today, the public will clamor for tomorrow. It is decidedly unnatural!
Do you remember when you shopped at retail stores and the clerks were all neatly dressed and groomed? Do you remember when the waiters at restaurants were dressed for success? Companies at one time required a certain standard of dress for the staff to be employed with them. Now this is not the case in many places. You never know what the person may look like that brings the iced tea to your table at the restaurant, or who may be punching the keys at the supermarket checkout counter.
Sometimes I wonder if an alien saucer may have landed nearby and unloaded a group of refugees from another planet. Everything from self-professed vampires to elves can be found today (remember the filing of teeth). The popularity of a childhood dress-up party is now a part of everyday life, and it is getting weirder and weirder. I don’t expect it to get better.
So, what is the issue here? The root of the problem lies in humanity’s rejection of God and the Bible, and the longer this goes on the further from what is moral and wholesome society will plunge. The absurd has become new normal, and the more shocking the better. People are so miserable – so unhappy – that they are trying to drown their misery in the make-believe. Normal relationships, normal dress styles, normal skin, and normal families are just not interesting enough anymore. If they can’t travel to Mars, they will just bring Mars to them, or how they imagine a Martian may live and dress.
The natural state God intended for mankind existed before Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree. Once they had eaten, the unnatural gained a foothold. That foothold has now grown to encompass every inch of ground on this planet. Christians are the only ones who have been restored, in their spirits, to the natural state which can walk with God. One day even their bodies will be restored to that wonderful pre-fallen state. Those who have not surrendered to Christ will continue to spiral ever deeper into the abyss of destruction.
The unnatural is here for now, but it does have a time-limit. In my estimation time is running out for sin. Soon the unnatural state of people will come to a screeching halt. Only that which is found in Christ will remain for the New Heavens and New Earth that will follow. Christian, please do not get caught up in the hype of the unnatural that is exploding all around you. Be satisfied with how God created you. You are beautiful to God, and you do not need all of the mixed-up things of the world to make you presentable to God or your Faith Family. Allow the inner beauty of humility, purity, and charity to shine forth from your spirit. Yes, your mother was correct when she told you that “Beauty is only skin deep.” Today, for many, it seems it is not even beautiful on the skin.
Mark Herridge Sr.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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