Christianity Oasis Forum

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Matt: 13:3 Part 6, Establishing Faith

Postby saint701 » Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:55 pm

Matt: 13:3 Part 6, Establishing Faith

Hello Christianity Oasis, All...


In the post, Salvation on the High Seas, I mentioned that I traded a book full of worldly knowledge with a co-worker for one filled with the knowledge and wisdom of God, entitled The Two Covenants, that was written by the famous South African minister of God, Andrew Murray. But it wasn't until after I was baptized in the Holy Spirit that I plucked it out of my bookcase and began to read it. Wow!!! What a great blessing that book was to be!!!

In the book Reverend Murray expanded upon the believer's relationship with God, and how God, through the Holy Spirit would work within a believer to perfect his/her's salvation. He explained that our relationship with God was to be vastly different and better than the covenant God made with Israel. Whereas under the Old Testament Covenant the onus was on the Israelite to keep the covenant with God in their human strength, under the New Testament Covenant God was to undertake the keeping of the covenant with us upon Himself using the Divine strength of the Holy Spirit.

Having laid the foundation for his book, basing it on a comparison between God's Old Covenant with Israel and His New Covenant with us, Reverend Murray then began to expand on the believer's experiences given us by God in the Book of Romans, such as crying "ABBA" Father. As of yet, such had not been my experience with the Spirit of Adoption. Nor, as yet, had I experienced the extreme hunger for the Word, or received a semblance of enlightening, but oh how that would change dramatically as I began to read Reverend Murray's book.

Fist up was crying "ABBA" Father. There is some disagreement as to the meaning of "ABBA" when translated into English, but for me, even before I read Reverend Murray's translation, from the deepest reaches of my insides came out the cry, "DADDY!" And it was only after that by a few pages that I saw where Reverend Murray's translation had that exact same word!

With that, I became a sponge. I soaked up the Word of God from every source available to me at the time, The 700 Club, where, each night before going to bed the Holy Spirit gave me a Word of Wisdom as to what the focus of Pat Robertson would be the next day. It was marvelous!!! And there was PTL, and Kenneth E. Hagin on the radio, along with Kenneth Copeland and others. And there was E.W. Kenyon. Each and every day was a feast in the Word of God, certainly more than enough!

Next post...Intense Spiritual Warfare!

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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