Christianity Oasis Forum

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Matthew 13 Verse 3 Part One continued

Postby saint701 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:28 pm

Hello Christianity Oasis, All...

I got saved. All the things I learned about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ became reality to me when I came up out of the water in the baptismal well. That was wonderful of course, but it wasn't long before my new reality suffered a blow.

One strong indicator that your repentance, confession, and baptism took hold is a sudden willingness to give however you can wherever you can. My parents had given me a toy gun for my birthday that year, and as I was want to do because I was a real live boy, was play with whoever wherever. That day I came upon a very poor boy at his house. He was my age and a classmate. His name was Billy. I noticed that he didn't have any toys of his own to play with so I gave him my toy gun. That was good and I remember feeling lifted in the spirit for my act of kindness.

That, however, only lasted until I got home. "Where's your gun?" That was my dad asking me where my gun was.

"I gave it to my friend Billy," I replied.

Of course that didn't sit well with my dad. Even though he was raised a poor farm kid, and even though he took a pocket full of coins to school each day to buy the lunches for poor farm kids, he made my much, much older brother go and retrieve the gun. Of course I was deeply saddened by my dad's decision. The good news was that puberty hadn't struck yet so I had a few good years left before that nightmare overtook me.

End Part One

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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