Understanding Christian Authority

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Understanding Christian Authority

Postby saint701 » Thu May 26, 2011 7:05 pm

Hello All,



Well, the Lord has had me focusing on the various doctrinal fallacies in all Christian groups dominated by false teachings written by greedy false teachers. What we desire from this text is to convince those not yet born again and Spirit filled to receive the Holy Spirit' receive Him to the extent you know beyond a shadow of a doubt He lives in you and is your comforter, teacher, and leader.

Love, in Him, saint

Understanding the hierarchy of all Christian authority
And a good day to you, St. Louis!
This past week we discussed fallacies in evangelical and Covenant Seminary doctrine. We could do the same with all other Christian organizational doctrines over a period of time. However, logical thinking demands we conclude that all Christian organizations have fallacies in their doctrine either to a greater or lesser extent. That which we are going to discuss today is the origin of the Christian fallacy, or the how and the why so many Christian doctrines are fallacious. First of all let’s take a look at two key words that will make up the greater part of our discussion, fallacious and hierarchy.
Fallacious (from online dictionary) fallacious [fəˈleɪʃəs] adj
1. (Philosophy / Logic) containing or involving a fallacy; illogical; erroneous
3. delusive or disappointing a fallacious hope
fallaciously adv
fallaciousness n

Understanding fallacious reasoning (logicalfallacies.info) Fallacious reasoning keeps us from knowing the truth, and the inability to think critically makes us vulnerable to manipulation by those skilled in the art of rhetoric.
Hierarchy (from Bing online dictionary) 1. NOUN- Normally ranked group: an organization or group whose members are arranged in ranks, e.g. in ranks of power and seniority; pecking order, chain of command
Fallacious reasoning began in the church during the days of the Apostles. It began when disgruntled self seeking men greedy for wealth and power rejected the established hierarchy within the true Christian church itself. They portrayed themselves as most skilled interpreting scripture, reasoning that it was easy to deceive those of lesser minds with doctrines that appealed to the flesh, i.e., the mind of man. Formal schooling and wealth soon replaced the mind of Christ governing the church through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Over the course of the next three hundred years the leading of the Holy Spirit was gradually dismissed in its entirety over Christendom in favor of tenets that seemed reasonable but lacked the power to convert. Such fallacious thinking appealed to those self serving Christians who found their own will and thought of greater value than the life of Jesus and His apostles. After all, such seems more reasonable. Why should one have to die in order to live, when one can live high on the hog off of those without any spiritual understanding? Such fallacious reasoning has governed most in the hierarchy of Christian leadership since that time. It is called greed.

Protestants declare that the original fallacy (we call greed) grew out of Catholicism when in reality Catholicism grew out of the original fallacy. While founding Protestants took a step up out of human reasoning to recover the unreasonableness of faith, their belief system was quickly usurped by those with the most wealth and power. We do agree that the just must live by the unreasonableness of faith, and that some spiritual life appears briefly in the life of a novice believer, but observe that spiritual life quickly fades if it continues to be dominated by the thinking of the world.

The thinking of the world is the mind of flesh. Such deny the authority of the Holy Spirit to lead, teach, and govern the church while at the same time attesting to His life within them. This ignorance or cruel deception grounded in fallacious reasoning abounds in the hierarchy of both the Protestant and Catholic religions. Amazingly, among people of reason, these individuals and groups thrive virtually without challenge by aligning themselves closely with leaders of the secular world. Christian non-thinking drones marvel that church leaders actually can influence political decisions giving them even greater credibility among the masses. Unfortunately, such fornication cuts across the grain of Christ’s teachings, teachings that were worked out in the lives of His apostles so we could not only read about but see in them the reality of the Holy Spirit, His power, His leading, His comfort and His teaching.

Thus gutted and made void of Spiritual power, mind and direction by unwilling and rebellious greedy spiritual fornicators Christendom became that which was prophesized, formalized and lacking the power of God. There are many around the world that have either bought into the lie we rule in Christ’s stead and we can just make things up as we go, or the lie that the Spiritual workings prominent in the lives of the apostles passed away with them, or the lie that only a select few displaying special charisma are eligible to be canonized as saints. Amazingly, those chosen to validate sainthood do not display the same charisma in themselves they are deemed qualified to judge. Such is fallacious reasoning.

Now we stand at the crossroads of eternity, one pathway leading to life, the other to death. The judgments of God have begun to fall, if not upon us, all around us. Amazingly, charismatic churches, some of a denomination and some not, are thriving while traditional non charismatic churches are dying. This is not to say that among some of the hierarchy of charismatic churches fallacious manipulations do not exist as they do.

However, the most marvelous thing about the modern charismatic is his or her whole hearted devotion to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and their willingness to allow the Holy Spirit His place of authority in their lives. Such isn’t a light thing as those that are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God.


[14] For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Again, as with the apostles, the life of the Holy Spirit is seen as a reality in the lives of most charismatic Christians. Such is of great embarrassment to long established churches. Fallacious reasoning is exposed by the reality of the Holy Spirit they say they have while denying His works. Of course leaders of all professions are slow to admit guilt in wrong doing, but the hierarchy of authority in mainline Christianity is the very worst as they say they have the Holy Spirit while denying the reality of His workings among them. Amazingly, these people are proud of their wrong doing, more willing to suffer hell than bow the knee to the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Such is extremely unfortunate for the majority of their parishioners, and for this reason we pray to the Father in the name of Jesus that mercy be shown to those blinded by the fallacious reasoning of many church hierarchies and those that sleep awaken to the reality of their nakedness.

No matter who we are, if we lack the Spirit of Christ in us and the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit we do not belong to His family or church, and God is not our Father.
All that would claim Jesus their Lord and Savior must be born again with the evidence of the Holy Spirit in them.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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