The Forest Gump Penny Fare Tax

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

The Forest Gump Penny Fare Tax

Postby saint701 » Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:07 pm

Hello, My name is Forest Gump and I want to talk to you about taxes. Nobody in Washington D.C. seems willing to present a fair tax for all. I know taxes are un pop u lar par ti cu lar among re pub li cans, but somethin needs to be done before the dol lar shrivels up into a wart on this nation's,...well, you know what.

I call my tax proposal the Forest Gump penny fare tax. I call it a "fare" tax as I think we all should pay our fair share of taxes. It works like this. If you do not have much money then how you are taxed will be little. If you have lots of money you will be taxed a lot. The Penny Fare Tax will not remove any other taxes. We need the Penny Fare Tax to pay down our gov ern ment's debts. Now if you are a state with little debt then you will use your third of the money to create jobs. And if you are a county gov ern ment without much debt you will use your third of the money to create jobs. But if you are the Fed ral gov ern ment you will only use your third of the money to pay down our na tion al debt. Now I will just a head and tell you bout it.

The Forest Gump Fare Tax works like this. If you go any place in this land to buy somethin and it costs one U.S. green back you will give a penny to our fedral gov ern ment, a penny to our state gov ern ment, and a penny to the county gov ern ment where that there small amount of money was spent. After the dol lar you will not pay any more penny fare tax until you reach ten dollars. When you buy sompthin that costs ten dol lars or more you will give a dime to the fed ral gov ern ment, a dime to the state gov ern ment, and a dime to the county gov ern ment. All told if you buy anything that costs up to 99 dol lars you will only have given the gov ern ments all told 33 cents, 3 cents for the first dollar, and 30 cents for the first 10 dollars you spend. You don't give our gov ern ment anything more than 33 cents until you reach one hun dred dol lars.

Now if you buy somethin worth one hun dred dol lars you will give our gov ern ments three doll ars and thirty-three cents. Then you don't give our governments any more money until you buy somethin that costs a thousand dol-lars or more. If you buy somethin that costs one thousand dol lars or more all the way to nine ty nine thousand dol lars you will give our gov ern ments 33 dol lars and 33 cents. After that you pay nothin more until you buy somethin that costs one hun dred thou sand dol lars. If you can a ford to buy somethin worth one hundred thousand dol lars then givin our gov ern ments 333 dol lars and 33 cents ain't gonna hurt you much.

After one hun dred thousand dol lars you pay nothin more than until you buy somethin that costs a mil lion dollars. If you can pay one mil lion dol lars for somethin then you can give our gov ern ments three thou sand thir ty three dol lars and 33 cents. After that you don't give no more until you buy somethin that costs ten mil lion dol lars. If you can a ford to pay ten mil lion dol lars for somethin then you can pay our govern ments thirty three thousand three hundred thirty three dol lars and thirty three cents. Now if you can a ford to buy somethin worth one hun dred mil lion doll ars, then you can a ford to give our government three hundred thirty three thousand three hundred thirty three dol lars and thirty three cents. As for one bil lion or more up to ten bil lion and on up to one hundred billion I think you can figure that up based on the pat tern I have shown you.

This tax is fare. If you buy lit tle you give our gov ern ments lit tle. If you buy lots you give our gov ern ments lots. This tax will make money a vail a ble for state and lo cal gov ern ments to create jobs. It will make sure no wort grows on our countrie's you no what cause the fed ral gov ern ment will pay down our fed ral dept.

If you like my Penny Fare Tax then please forward to every one you email. And if you know you con gress man send it to them too.

This is Forest Gump sayin good bye for now.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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