Hypothetical Possibilities

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Hypothetical Possibilities

Postby saint701 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:09 pm

Hello All,


One interesting thing about Noah's day was our Lord's statement that the end of all flesh had come up before Him. This is hard to understand unless one's own daystar has risen in one's own heart. As Paul said, only the Spirit of God knows the things that are in the mind of God, and it is the same with us that walk in the spirit. Our spirit knows what is in us and shows us what we will do, or what we can do in circumstances that we haven't thought of as a possibility. For example, it came up before my eyes today to sweep out the garage and sweep the walkway and porch. My spirit showed me that it was in me to do as I knew it needed to be done but hadn't acted on it. My spirit showed me it was time for me to act, so I did. Another time I was frying potatoes in some oil and my spirit showed me that if I would sprinkle flower all around the pan and potatoes the flower would form crispies just like you get when frying chicken. My spirit knew that understanding was in me because as a child I had noticed that my mother sprinkled flower in the same pan she used to fry chicken in to make gravy. I would never have made the connection between making graving, the crispies that appear when you fry chicken that has been rolled in flower, and the crispies that would form if you sprinkled flower on potatoes and all over the little oil that is in that pan with them. I could share other examples but there are other things to discuss.

One thing that came before my eyes after the tradegy hit Japan was our Lord's analogy of Noah's day and our present day. They were all eating and drinking until the flood came and took them all away. For many, many years I could see no significant connection between Noah and our day, but it is significant that tsunamis(pl) have played a major role in recent disasters. God our Father did not promise that flood disasters would not occur. He only promised He would never destroy all flesh by flood again. So now we see that this day really is like Noah's day, eating and drinking until the flood came and took them all away. Sad, very sad for Japan, but a real eye opening event.

Now to the hypothetical....

As for the devastation in Japan, the number feared dead has now climbed to 10,000 or more. And, unless they get control of their nuclear facilities the toll may go way beyond that. Actually, I suspect 10,000 is an understatement at this point, and who knows how long it will take to get a final tally. One thing this earthquake reminded me of is a scripture in the Book of Revelation that says, every mountain and island moved out of their places and and somewhere else something like mountains made low and valleys high. I can't remember if the scriptures are together or worded differently, but the implications on that day are staggering. Such would require all of earth's tectonic plates to move simultaneously. Remember, at one time all continents were believed to be one huge land mass. If it was so one could hazard a guess that Pangea was not made of tectonic plates, but one intact land mass with out any fault zones.

We read of Noah's day that the great fountains of the deep broke up and it rained. If in Noah's day as in the Garden of Eden the earth was still watered by a warm mist that came up out of the Earth, said mist could have come up from the great fountains of the deep contained beneath the earth's porous crust. These huge underground water masses, (aquifers), would have been continually heated by the magma underneath them. If so, in Noah's day the great pressure from the heated waters of the great fountains of the deep could have forced the earth's crust to crack releasing not only water, but incredible clouds of steam that rose, became clouds, and dropped rain in megabuckets everywhere, not subsiding until the escaping water began to cool. Then, as the waters cooled and the rain stopped, some of the waters would have receded back underneath the earths cracked framework allowing land to appear again. Again, just guessing, but can see how the sudden fissures in the earth's crust could release so much energy that the continents were literally blasted apart, taking much less time to move than has previously been hypothesized.

So we see that it was in the mind of God that all flesh would be destroyed by a flood at some point as the knowledge was in Him, but His Spirit put Him in remembrance to act at the proper time, thus it came up before Him that the end of all flesh was at hand.

You know our Lord prayed that we would all become one, (John ch. 17) so it shouldn't surprise anyone that our spirit would be to us as our Father's Spirit is to Him and our Lord Jesus.


Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
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