The Politics of Spirituality

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

The Politics of Spirituality

Postby saint701 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:21 pm

Hi All,


We have a beautiful day to kick off the week with some gorgeous weather. Would that politics of all kinds be as clear and bright. Alas, tis not so! Politics are murky at best. Who is telling the truth and who is not? Often we do not know until they show their true colors after we have voted them into office. It is the same with spirituality. Indeed, often spirituality and politics cannot be separated. How so, we ask?

We understand there are many belief systems around the world, and many different manifestations of spirituality. Some appear quite beneficial, while others control with fear through witchcraft. We have all heard of the good witch, bad witch kind of thing. Certainly, we would think different spirits would be operating, one good and one bad, as there appears to be two sides. It is the same with politics, we perceive during election time that one side should prove more beneficial for our nation, while the other side may do us harm. Our hearts, the central location of our spiritual core, pushes us one way or the other.

Again, there appears to be two sides to spirituality, one good, and one bad. Through this we understand that spirituality and politics are quite intertwined, good and bad. Right now there is a push world wide for some type of world system of governance where all spirituality is viewed as the same, whether Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, or Christian, that all will ultimately end up in the same place, as all are really worshipping one God. We assume witchcraft and voodoo will be included, not withstanding, all religions will be viewed as good, no bad, and since there will be only one political view around the world, the powers that be, that make decisions for us, also will all be good for us.

Thus we conclude, whether political or spiritual, all will be good, right? Not so. True Christianity will not compromise with the new world government. They will remain quite separate as true Christians know the truth, that there is only one Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Lord God Almighty Loving Father. And He alone is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. True Christians possess a spirituality that is quite distinct from all other religions, a Spirit of Truth, that indwells them. Indeed, they have the witness of God in them that other religeo/political/spiritual factions cannot copy. And they do know that after the political powers of the world exhaust themselves forming their vision of utopia, and killing many Christians as doing so will be deemed good, said government will lead to the ruin of all, and the end will come.

Mankind's attempts to govern themselves will come to an abrupt end, as all forms will have proven futile. Our Lord will then return and set up His Kingdom on this planet, and truly there will only be one political/spiritual governance, that of the Lord God Almighty Himself.

Now we will get to the gist of this article. There are only two spiritualities on this planet, one of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This tree emcompasses all that is deemed at this time either good or bad. It also includes many Christian church goers that have not been born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. This tree includes all religions good or bad. This tree is quite deceptive and keeps most on this planet in spiritual darkness. The other spirituality is of the Tree of Life. Those that have tasted of the Light of Heaven know the only true way to Heaven is through Jesus and Him crucified. These people are taught by the Spirit of Truth that the world cannot receive. They see the heavens around as filled with the angels of God of all sorts, and see also all the various sorts of wicked spirits working in this day to damn many.

There is only one spirituality on this planet, good and evil, that can only destroy. This system dominates this world both politcally and spiritually. It embraces all. The other Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, that the world cannot receive. He proceeds directly from our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, first born of God Almighty, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Lord God Almighty Love Dad. And He is coming soon. As for we Chistians that have the Spirit, we are not of this world, and if we have politcal views, they allign with those that dedicated this country to our God from its beginning.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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