Day 8
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:23 am
I think this web page may have saved my life in so many ways. Even though it is hard to go through the steps and continue to remember everything that was said I still walk away with the general idea or concept. I have so much to learn that I feel like I am a child again just starting out in life but I will try very hard to be patient with myself. It's not easy being me but when I compare my inner peace toady to where it was before I started this counseling session and I see the vast improvement , it gives me hope and confidence. You have to understand that the emotions attached to thoughts of past events were often strong enough to cause me to curse out loud, just imagine how embarrassing that can be in a public place. I still get some floods of negative emotion but no where near the severity or consistency that I had just two weeks ago. I am not here trying to tell you that I am all better now but I am telling you that I have already achieved more then I thought was possible for me. I called those powerful emotional outbursts my ghosts and I decided many years ago that they would never go away and that was just the way it was for me but look at me now. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers, I am truly grateful.