day 1
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:14 am
I'm a 25 year old mother of five children one of whom is autistic I'm thankful for all the blessings God has given me everyday.I have struggled with having that committed relationship with God I once had.I have done so many deliberate sins when He was showing me the way.I have lied, cheated, stole, and been unloving and hurt people intentionally in my past.I know I'm forgiven but I do feel so regretful of my sins sometimes I feel like God is mad at all I've done.I pray daily that He restores my relationship with Jesus I once had I want that great feeling I once had.I want to continue to lead my children to being great servants of Him.I hope and pray that. Oasist will give me that extra pushand encouragment I need to restoring my relationship with my Savior because I do not want to go back to my old life I've given up so many times before but feel like this time will be great I will be the Christian and servant I once was but even grander I know God has called me for a purpose and I need to let go of the past.He has restored my relationship with my fiancée and mother and father friends and enemies He has provided so much blessings in my family and I'm thankful for that.