THE F WORD.....not 4 letters, but might as well be! Journ 4
Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:10 pm
Whew.....even speaking of the word forgiveness puts knots in my stomach. I have been holding grudges my ENTIRE life. I right now and thinking of several friends I've walked away from along my life because they did something I felt was so profound that we couldn't be friends any longer. Don't even get me started about family....Jerry Springer would even shake his head at some of the things my family has done to each other. I can tell you a list right now of everything....and that is the problem. The weeds in my head say to me, "Why would you forgive a brother who has molested you? Why would you forgive your father for abandoning you, then judging you when mistakes were made in life? Why would you forgive your mother for kicking you out of your home in the 7th grade because her boyfriend didn't appreciate you stating truths? Why would you forgive a husband who has verbally beaten you down to a stump and bullied you with religious lies??????
BECAUSE WHEN I FOUND MY LORD AND SAVIOR AND REALIZED WHAT LOVE WAS, WHAT GRACE IS, WHAT LIFE COULD BE LIKE, I WANTED FORGIVENESS FOR MY WRONGS....not half forgiveness or forgiveness with stipulations....full pardon, never mentioned again forgiveness.
Sounds easy right??? WRONG!! When I read stone 4 last night on day 4, God was telling me to wait until today to journal. I wasn't sure why, but I assumed it was to think about all the people I needed to forgive more....wrong again....
Right now my children are napping, but when they wake, I will be throwing my son's 5th bday party. My brother, the one who molested me, was invited, and I hardly think he'll show up. Now the lesson was 2-fold here. I was reluctant to hand out an invitation, but did. Then when I found out he wasn't coming, I was real quick to be all, "Who does he think he is??? He is lucky he got an invitation and now he may not come see his nephew!!!! He better not try to speak to me anytime soon!"
Really?? I mean how much taller could the weeds be??? I thought I had forgiven my brother for molesting and physically abusing me, but the first chance I get, it comes right up front and center in my mind about everything he ever did. I haven't truly forgiven him, or it wouldn't come up again in my mind at all. He is no threat to me any longer, why do I dwell on it?? Because I haven't forgiven thats why.
I keep my mother at arms length, same with my father, almost as my way of "controlling the hurt" by not forgiving them fully.
What am I worried about, God has me, he has my heart now and soul... if they do hurt me again, it is nothing He can't heal so why am I not forgiving them then????????????
I need to, I want to, and I will. Because as the bible says, God gives you the same forgiveness you've given when it comes your time. Although some things will take extra effort to forgive people for, it has to be done. It is actually killing me inside not to have forgiven. It is effecting my parenting, my relationships, my emotional state.
I want my children to know that my heart of full of the Lord, and I can't be that if I am carrying around a notebook of wrongs that people have done to me now can I?????
Father, please forgive me for not forgiving others the way I should. I ask that you fill my heart and give me the strength, the love, and the ability to forgive all those who have wronged me, and that I ERASE IT FROM MY MIND AS SOON AS I HAVE, AND THAT I THROW AWAY MY WHO HAS WRONGED AIMEE NOTEBOOK. I ask that you be with the people I have wronged in life, and that they may forgive me also. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
BECAUSE WHEN I FOUND MY LORD AND SAVIOR AND REALIZED WHAT LOVE WAS, WHAT GRACE IS, WHAT LIFE COULD BE LIKE, I WANTED FORGIVENESS FOR MY WRONGS....not half forgiveness or forgiveness with stipulations....full pardon, never mentioned again forgiveness.
Sounds easy right??? WRONG!! When I read stone 4 last night on day 4, God was telling me to wait until today to journal. I wasn't sure why, but I assumed it was to think about all the people I needed to forgive more....wrong again....
Right now my children are napping, but when they wake, I will be throwing my son's 5th bday party. My brother, the one who molested me, was invited, and I hardly think he'll show up. Now the lesson was 2-fold here. I was reluctant to hand out an invitation, but did. Then when I found out he wasn't coming, I was real quick to be all, "Who does he think he is??? He is lucky he got an invitation and now he may not come see his nephew!!!! He better not try to speak to me anytime soon!"
Really?? I mean how much taller could the weeds be??? I thought I had forgiven my brother for molesting and physically abusing me, but the first chance I get, it comes right up front and center in my mind about everything he ever did. I haven't truly forgiven him, or it wouldn't come up again in my mind at all. He is no threat to me any longer, why do I dwell on it?? Because I haven't forgiven thats why.
I keep my mother at arms length, same with my father, almost as my way of "controlling the hurt" by not forgiving them fully.
What am I worried about, God has me, he has my heart now and soul... if they do hurt me again, it is nothing He can't heal so why am I not forgiving them then????????????
I need to, I want to, and I will. Because as the bible says, God gives you the same forgiveness you've given when it comes your time. Although some things will take extra effort to forgive people for, it has to be done. It is actually killing me inside not to have forgiven. It is effecting my parenting, my relationships, my emotional state.
I want my children to know that my heart of full of the Lord, and I can't be that if I am carrying around a notebook of wrongs that people have done to me now can I?????
Father, please forgive me for not forgiving others the way I should. I ask that you fill my heart and give me the strength, the love, and the ability to forgive all those who have wronged me, and that I ERASE IT FROM MY MIND AS SOON AS I HAVE, AND THAT I THROW AWAY MY WHO HAS WRONGED AIMEE NOTEBOOK. I ask that you be with the people I have wronged in life, and that they may forgive me also. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.