Hello Iwanted
I'm Mack -- wife and mother, and a child of God.
I've read your posts, and have been praying for you.
I just wanted to shed some light on a few things. Those of us that had overbearing parents -- demanding, controlling and those that communicated to us as if we were the hired help as opposed to talking to us as if we were the precious loved ones -- Well, it's very easy for us to take on their behaviors.
What? Yep, it's very easy for the children of those demanding and controlling parents to become demanding and controlling themselves -- but, with a twist. Their confidence was shattered, but what was taught them is that they overcome fear or any challenge with anger. Anger is very powerful.
Sadly, anger just adds to the problems -- especially to those who have not dealt with repressed anger, from those years they were not allowed to adequately express themselves, for fear of being totally rejected.
So then they find themselves as adults, with all those emotions and not a clue how to deal with them. Why would we want to act out like the very people that caused us so much frustration? But, when the pressures of this world mount up, that seems to be exactly what they do. Because we were not taught otherwise. We may have also learned and acquired some other bad habits on the way to mask our frustrations and anger -- ways to manipulate, put on a fake smile when the occasion demanded it, etc.
Eeeuuuuwwwwww!!! So, now at the age of "well into adulthood", we are supposed to start all over? Sounds nearly impossible, but NOTHING is impossible with God.
Most that have gone through this type of life I've explained above -- they/we are very creative and industrious. Surprisingly, many don't recognize it, but LOOK, the proof is in the survival. We're still here.
Change seems hard only because it is different. God is not asking us to make these changes on our own. Imagine -- yes, I said "Imagine" -- Imagine Jesus is walking right along side with you throughout your entire day. Even though you do not see Him, He's there. Ask The Holy Spirit to remind you to do this...to imagine Him right there with you.
Jesus is our salvation. It is through Him that we have a promise of eternal life. AND, He helps us along during this temporary life here on earth. No, He's not going to prevent all the bad things from happening or trials and tribulations from coming our way, but He has empowered us to overcome.
For those who accept Jesus as Saviour, The Spirit of God indwells them. He will not leave us nor forsake us. However, we still have the choice to walk away from Him and to walk away from salvation. I pray you truly consider your options, before you make decisions.
The Holy Spirit is our Comforter and our Guide and our Teacher. God's grace and forgiveness is extended to those that receive His Son, Jesus Christ, and who continue in faith. The salvation process is just that -- a process. We don't turn into perfect little images of Him overnight. But, He works from the inside out, and He knows exactly how long it takes. There are awesome blessings along the way. Only requirement -- we have to be present to receive them.
You are in my prayers. God's blessed will be done.
God bless you.
In Jesus and His love,
Sister Mack