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What do i have to lose back to day 2

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:38 pm
by Guest
Well...I didn't have a very productive day yesterday with day # 2 so have decided to go back thru day 2 today. I wanted to take a minute and thank all of those who have been and continue to pray for me. I appreciate it very much.

I ended up allowing my back pain and not feeling very well to not be productive. Then along came a dear friend on christian oasis soldierofchrist who sent me a couple youtube videos of a couple people who have no arms and legs. I wasnt able to view them until this morning and sure made my back pain rather insignificant.

I've come away from all of this to realize that life is what you make of it. Can allow circumstances to either mold you or destroy you. Well...we all know what path i was following.

Day 2 of the counseling course had to do with gardening. It talked about how the enemy plants bad seeds inside of us so that they will grow and affect our choices and as time passes our life. true this is of my life. I realized that just a few of the bad seeds in my life are
1. lack of faith
2. lack of trust
3. doubt
4. fear
5. depression
6. discouragement
7. bitterness
8. anger

I have allowed all of these areas to affect my life. Looks like i have alot of weeds to pull!


PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:47 pm
by deetu
They say that gardening is good for you *BigGrin*

Realizing what the problems are and being willing to do something about them is really a big step. Pull them weeds girl!


PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:56 pm
by mlg
iwanted :) You know as I see you continuing to work on day 2...I see how much you are already growing. The reason is...your taking the steps and beginning to apply them to the areas that you know need some work...identifying those a huge you can pull those weeds one by one. Be careful not to try and pull them all at trying to pull too many won't get them completely out...and you might just break them off at the top...grab that first weed and dig it out by the can do this...

I'm so excited for you sis...and I'm glad that soldier has been reaching out to share with you.

Cheering you on sis...there's more to come.

luv ya

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:33 pm
by Dora
I want to encourage you that I know it's difficult at first, pulling weeds because we are use to allowing them to have their way in our minds instead of fighting them. It does get easier. :)

Keep on.

Here if you need help.

Re: What do i have to lose back to day 2

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:56 pm
by momof3
iwanted2die wrote: I realized that just a few of the bad seeds in my life are
1. lack of faith
2. lack of trust
3. doubt
4. fear
5. depression
6. discouragement
7. bitterness
8. anger

One day at a time sis. When you asked "What do i have to lose?"...these are those things.....replacing them with God's truth and and His heart and love for you.

Keep going, sis. He has so much for you. Love you and am praying with you.

in Jesus,
momo *Pray*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:03 pm
by susidivah
Yeah, weeding can be frustrating at times, Shannon, but like momo said one day at a time, even one hour and minute at a time!

Also mindfulness to the here and now I know helped me with the weeding in particular... what's happening within you as you focus on God and his awesome plan for you!

It can be done, sis... look forward to hearing more of your walk *harp*

God bless Shannon,
Susi *Guitar*