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Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby ciny » Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:58 pm

Stepping Stone one .... The Truth shall set you free....

John 8:32 (KJV)
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

What is on my heart is this when i was remembering the abuse in my life and was having flash backs how i prayed to God to help me to be able to handle the memory's and could he please slow them down so i could handle it .
I also prayed to forgive them so i could be free from the pain deep with in i was bought up in a christian home and was taught to love and forgive all people even our enemies very hard to do

Philippians 4;13 i can do all things through Christ which strengthens me .....

I believe this scripture can be used to have the strength and courage to forgive them that have hurt me ......
Last edited by ciny on Sat May 21, 2016 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stepping Stone one .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby dema » Mon May 02, 2016 7:44 am

I read recently about reading that verse in context - and you are. It doesn't mean that you can climb a mountain of your own choice - but it does mean what you said.

Memories need to be processed, but it is also important to control thoughts. To learn to think of something happy that lifts you up and gives you self-worth. It is good to start a good things journal that you can pick up when the memories don't stop. Nice things you've done to others, good things people have said to you, victories in life, pets, children, people who have been kind and various revelations or experiences with God's love. Then, when the memories don't stop, pick up the book and read it. Maybe make it online and snip in pictures. But print out a copy. Computers may fail. Have a back-up.

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Re: Stepping Stone one .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby ciny » Mon May 02, 2016 9:32 pm

Thank you Dema amen i need to take small steps and alwo God to do his healing in my life .
Memories do have to be processed a little at a time not to much at a time it gets over whelming i have done thees steps before but felt God tugging on my heart to do them over to do them over again.

amen to controlling our thoughts with good things i have had some people telling me this and the pastors sermons who wrote the snip & Picture book ? i tried to find it on line but could not find it thank you for taking the time to write me means alot God bless
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Re: Stepping Stone one .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby dema » Tue May 03, 2016 5:23 am

You write your own book. About your own good memories, good deeds, good things people have done for you. You can snip the link to that song and to other things and put it in a document on your computer and print off part of it and put it in your purse or wherever is a good place so you can look at it when memories are a problem.

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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby ciny » Sat May 21, 2016 6:45 pm

The Path Stepping stone 2 Pulling weeds .....

I have problems stumbling over the weeds of the past things spoken over me and i grew up believing the lies that i was not good enough because i was not as smart and did not catch on to things as quick as others I was a slow learner and no one wanted to take the time to help me I felt hopeless and un important .

When i remembered the sexual abuse that happen to me and the sexual abuse that was not blocked out I was told it was my fault because i did something wrong so i deserved it .

My Bible college teacher told me in a prophecy on day that all the stuff that was spoken over me and the abuse i went though was not my fault that was the devil trying to keep me down so i would not rise above it and get victory over it .

He shared this scripture with me Jeremiah 29:11-13 and i find my self going to it often it helps keep me above the waves so to speak so i am not drowning i find my self sharing this scripture with others to help them so they can heal as well that is part of weed pulling is helping each other to grow in Jesus and heal ...

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (KJV)

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby dema » Sun May 22, 2016 6:34 am

Sexual abuse is never the victim's fault. Never, never, never.

Small minded people tend to do a couple of things. They want to feel that they aren't so small, and so they look for someone smaller to pick on. And they want to think that it couldn't happen to them, so they make it the other person's fault.

These are small minded behaviors. People who do this are locked up in some way - locked up in fear, in self-importance - but they aren't experiencing the freedom that Christ came to give us. They may be religious and do good things and be respected - but part of them is locked up because they need this super control - that's why they blame it on the victim, so they can believe it would never happen to them. They want to control life. They want to believe that they are immune.

It is never, never the victim's fault. Sometimes people take unnecessary risks and sometimes they use poor judgement - but even then, they were foolish victims - and the criminal who attacked them is still a criminal and should go to jail.

I'm glad you have someone telling you the truth. *hug5*
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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby ciny » Mon May 23, 2016 10:17 pm

Amen Demma And The abusers have so much guilt on them to weighing them down and try to get rid of it the wrong way instead of Going to God to be free. and those that blamed me for it are small minded and not I blamed my self for years and part of me was angry that they placed the blame on me .
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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby ciny » Wed May 25, 2016 1:17 pm

The Path Stepping Stone 3 God's Grace

I do not always walk in the Grace of God like i should especially in this area of my life i need to learn to walk in forgiveness and the Love of Christ ............

Heavenly Father thank you for your love and grace for sending your son Jesus to be my sacrifice upon the cross and forgiving me of all my sins and loving me no matter I know I am responsible for my actions help me to love and forgive all people especially those that have hurt and abused me .

I know this dose not mean i have to let them back in to my life physically this has taken me years to realize this turning the cheek dose not mean i have to let them violate me i can also chose to move on .

its says in your word to love one another as i have loved you your last words on the cross says Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing .

I ask you to give me your eyes Lord Jesus so i to can see them through your grace and mercy i ask you to opne up there hearts go visit them make your self real to them and save there souls in I let go today and let you do your heal work through me Jesus name amen !
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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby mlg » Sun May 29, 2016 7:40 pm

Hi Ciny,

Step 3 is a huge step in the healing process....forgiving both ourselves and the ones who have caused us pain....took me sometime and some work personally to do this. It's not easy but it is truly possible with God. I couldn't help but notice you chose to pray and share your bequest with the Lord....and now that you've asked the Lord for help with this in your life, it's ok to lay your burdens at His feet now and leave them there...forever.....may you be blessed on your journey through the steps Ciny....Jesus loves you dearly.

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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby ciny » Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:18 pm

Thank you mlg and the site each step is closer to healing amen it is hard but to do at time to forgiver my self and others but not im possible for God to do having a rufff few weeks here with the old memories coming up and a lot going on with a family member :cry: i believe Jesus is reaching down and healing him and he will come to Jesus and be saved and set free!
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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby mlg » Thu Aug 18, 2016 8:58 pm

Hey Ciny,

I noticed you haven't posted in awhile. How are you doing on your stepping stones? Praying for you and your family. We sure hope to see you posting again soon.

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Re: Stepping Stones .... The Truth shall set you free....

Postby ciny » Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:30 pm

Hi mlg yes i am doing the stepping stones have not been feeling well for awhile thank you for asking and being concerned thank you for your prayers God bless you *hug*
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