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day 7 the pa

Postby sbennett » Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:14 pm

;) Today was a good day until the end. Really enjoyed going to my home church with my husband...he goes with me more often now in the last few months. Then oldest son and gf showed up too!! I was blessed. Satan tried hard to steal my joy at the end. My husband drinks...sometimes a lot. It makes him angry and mean. It is something I have delt with the whole marriage...and it has been really bad in the past...not safe situation. He really means no harm and does not get out of control like years ago...but it is still very hurtful and I hate it. He went to bed early and I did go in and tell him good night and love you. it helped. Events like this are how satan planted the seed in my mind that I needed someone else to love and care for me...and I just fell for it when the first man came along. UGH! But this is just a set back...God is working in my marriage...I feel it.

Step 7...If it is not TRUTH reject it. Ahhh....a way to get rid of all these thoughts that bring me down and make me sad!! They are lies and I need to replace them with TRUTH. I liked the diagram of the temple. My pastor at home church has been preaching on the tabernacle and the feast of the tabernacle. God is SOOOOO talking to me from every direction! The diagram of the mind helped to. I will do that activity...
I am working on my doubt. It is a killer for me. I have doubts about living without the attention of the other person and about being happy. I have to reject those...they are lies. I will find TRUTHs to replace them.
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Postby Dora » Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:41 am

Hello Sis *Wave*

I love your avatar. Reminds me of what is happening with in you. The light of God bursting forth to pierce the darkness and send it running.

I enjoy hearing how your husband and your marriage is changing. :) God is good to do His work in every area of our lives.

God bless and keep you. You're doing so well in this.
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Postby mlg » Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:08 am

Hey sis...don't give up hope on God working on your husband. Hubby going to church with you is a huge step. Just know that when hubby drinks it's probably time for you to maybe spend some time with God. Praying for hubby and asking God to help deliver him from the drinking. As you know you can't change hubby but God can.

Keep working on that doubt...ejecting the lies and replacing them with can do are making progress.

luv ya
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