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In need of legal advice

Postby Rabinantha » Thu May 07, 2015 7:02 pm

I'm looking for a lawyer that will answer a couple questions I have without an astronomical payment. So far I'm just waiting but I feel like this situation is a time bomb and I don't know how long the fuse is. I have faith in God that everything will work out in His time.

Please pray for a lawyer to answer my questions for free or relatively cheap.
Please pray for a job for me.
Please pray for housing.

Thank you all!!

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Re: In need of legal advice

Postby dema » Fri May 08, 2015 5:46 am

The answers are different state by state. And in most areas, there are lawyers who will give a FREE consultation and answer those questions for you. I actually went to the same lawyer four times over several years for a free consultation and he did not charge me until I chose to retain him. You get about 20 minutes to ask whatever you like at no charge. Not every lawyer does this but in my area most do. Really I only know of one who doesn't and I know of quite a few who do.

You may also be able to get a free consultation online - but be sure you stay within your state as the laws are quite different in other states.
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