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How safe is it here?

Postby newbie » Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:18 pm

"Trigger Warning" Trying to keep this simple.
I am divorced, this happened around the middle of this year, I am afraid to say to much as my wife might chat here *dunno*
She did not used to be a chatter, she does not trust anyone online & i have probs trusting anyone as it is. They hurt me pretty badly, I want to post about it I really do. But I do suffer with night mares and worry that once again talking about it may increase those.
Nightmares of things not real go away, but those of my past dig deep and burn the very essence of me, I am trying so hard to let *JesusSign* run my life and control it.
Things like that just make it worse, some days i just feel like i am trapped in a corner and no matter what I do, it is always the wrong thing, I can't say i am sorry enough for all the pain I caused others, yet the dreams hurt me just as badly as they hurt me.
I am not sure what I did in my life to make so many people mad at me. I am divorced because they did things to me that should not be spoken, they were my fault i know but..idk I just have to keep Jesus in my sights.
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Re: How safe is it here?

Postby dema » Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:18 am

People here are usually kind and loving. People who aren't don't usually last long. You should not share anything that identifies you. This includes your actual location, your full name, your facebook or email, phone number, place where you work etc.

You can change the names of people or call them My son S or something like that.

We are not a replacement for a trained counselor. We are people who have been hurt, some more than others, and who come here to give and receive solace among other things.

As far as it causing more nightmares -generally nightmares are the result of you hiding something that needs out. (among other things) and once you let it out - then the nightmares go away - or change to let you know what else needs out. Nightmares often reveal hidden things.

God Bless.
Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
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