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Infidelity in my marriage

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:59 pm
by Guest
I come seeking help and wisdom from those who may have been through, going through, or have any knowledge of overcoming being the culprit of infidelity... I have on multiple occasions not been faithful to my wife... She is aware of this and currently we are separated... I want to be a good husband to her and a good father to my children... On this last occasion I sent an inapproriate picture and received one from a woman from my past... I want help dealing with the lust that comes to me... It's not lust to actually be physical with another woman... It's the idea of being wanted by others... Please help! I want to save my marriage! I want to save my family...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:31 pm
by mlg
Hello wilsdot. Welcome to the Oasis...glad you are here.

Wilsdot, when I read your post I just felt so moved by your struggle. See the reason is, that the enemy has used lust time and time again to try and break Christians. He has used it to destroy marriages and tear families apart.

I am so glad you are reaching out and seeking help for yourself and your marriage. Here is a link to the counseling program we have here. I encourage you to begin with this, and may you know that my prayers are with you, your wife and your family. I know there are other men here who have been through something very similiar to your struggle, and I hope to see them posting here soon as well.

God with you and yours.

Take care

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:28 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
you have found a great place here at the Oasis, please know there will be no judgement here only friendship, fellowship, and most importantly Christ
I know somewhat where you are right now due to I recently separated from my wife of 14 years due to simular wrongs I done.
I must tell you that mlg has given you the best advice for you right now, go to the counseling pages, they will help you to cope with this in a Christian way, also I want to mention a book (I do NOT read anything, I cannot keep myself ontrack) but I read this from cover to cover and highly recommend it "EVERYMAN'S BATTLE" this will also open your eyes to things that you didn't realize where happening and show you ways to "retrain yourself"
And please know I am here almost every day so anytime you need to talk or have questions, If there is anything God wants me to assist you with to help save your marriage it would be a pleasure knowing God has used me to help you, you can pm me or post on here.
God bless brother prayers being said for your healing and your marriage to be healed. *Pray*
Cuc (Christnundrconstruxn)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:49 pm
by Guest
Thank you for the quick responses... Cuc I ordered the book straight away... Thank you for the suggestion... I truly look forward to the opportunity to read and learn... :)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:18 am
by ServeGod
What God has put together, let no man come between, or woman in your case. Lust and what it offers is temporary, and the little pleasure you find will not last..... love and family is lasting and unconditional. The sin of infidelity will bind you in chains, and only doing the right thing will set you free........ freedom in Christ. It begins with the mind, you must resist the thoughts that enter it, otherwise they will give birth to sin...... and you are opening the door to satan..if you resist, he will flee........ you need to be strong, otherwise you will loose your wife and children....God does not tolerate us taking another God, and that applies in a marriage.... you would not tolerate your wife taking another, and neither will she. Rid the thoughts before they enter, pick up a bible, or pray that the lord restores your mind. Resist and the devil will flee. IF temptation is entering its because you have opened the door to it.... The devil's only role is to destroy love, God is love, Love is family and that is why the devil will try and enter a marriage to destroy what God has put together.
The devil will entice you, chew you up and spit you out. Resist and he will flee... Pray that you are surrounded by a multitude of angels, and pray that the holy spirit will guide you to the arms of your wife.