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in knowing HIM
in knowing HIM, i have set my heart to know the purpose for my life, and to discover the spiritual gifts He has placed in my life that i may use them for the edifidation of the saints.
ppl say that GOD does not speak with an audible voice, but i believe he does. HE has taken me to scriptures that i do not know to answer very specific questions for that time.
HE has began to show me how HE has equipped me for HIS purpose. this has been a lifelong goal, to discover what i have to offer the body of Christ. knowing my whole life of the calling in my life, i was so very frustrated by not being able to understand how it would unfold in my life. for so long i felt like a failure, so many times i have failed. but today, i don't rely on my natural, carnal experience to bring spiritual righteousness. GOD is taking me down paths i never knew existed, and it all started here.
GOD bless u all and keep you in HIS love
ppl say that GOD does not speak with an audible voice, but i believe he does. HE has taken me to scriptures that i do not know to answer very specific questions for that time.
HE has began to show me how HE has equipped me for HIS purpose. this has been a lifelong goal, to discover what i have to offer the body of Christ. knowing my whole life of the calling in my life, i was so very frustrated by not being able to understand how it would unfold in my life. for so long i felt like a failure, so many times i have failed. but today, i don't rely on my natural, carnal experience to bring spiritual righteousness. GOD is taking me down paths i never knew existed, and it all started here.
GOD bless u all and keep you in HIS love
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