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This forum is a place where those who feel called by the Lord are able to post about any trials or victories they are going through as they serve the Lord by reaching and teaching His children. You can post and then lock your thread so no one can reply, if you so choose. Think of it as your own personal diary or journal that you choose to share with others who are called as to share ideas, experiences and tips as they too serve the Lord.

Mercy7's pages

Postby Mercy7 » Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:08 pm

I'm not sure what to post in here yet but i'd like to share something.
There is a movie I like to watch, called the perfect stranger, it has 7 episodes, they were on youtube but wre removed. Anyway, there is one episode where Jesus spends the day with this young girl, and at the end of the day when Jesus walked her home, she asked Jesus if she could give him a hug, he said sure, and she ran and jumped in Jesus arms. and the song in the background was "Amazing grace"
Well that has special meaning to me because my mom's song she sang once, so then i've always wanted to be in Jesus arms, so that alsways makes me cry, last night I was thinking about that movie, I started crying, and then i prayed: Daddy, hold me, like the girl in the movie, and then i felt at peace and my tears stopped flowing. Jesus held me ;)
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Postby Mercy7 » Tue May 04, 2010 11:44 am

I just cant get over how Good God is and how He provides for us, we need to be aware of all that He provides for us and others. I have a BIG praise and some that a friend told me.
last week i was having some friends online praythat i would be able to get a way to school this week, well, monday I called and everyone said no
I was thinking oh no its almost too late to get to school, ten minutes, well i called one last person, and she said that every monday she goes t o the mission to work with a friend with feeding the homeless and passing out tracts, ive done it in the past with her too, well anyways, she said im gonna call my friend and tell her if she can get another ride and call you back. So, she called me back and said she was coming to pick me up, whoooo i got to class just in time, On the way she told me that she called her friend and before shecould open her mouth, te friend said i was just about to call you and say that i dont need a ride, i already have one for this morning.
WOw see God provides, and then she told me that she had to take her kids to school and she ran out of gas, was on the red and beeping, so it stopped, well right there on the right of her, she just turned right into a gas station and filled the tank up. see another praise, GOd just knows what we need, but in His timing Not ours:)
Even if we are just living with enoguh money to get us by one more day it is allowing us to depend on HIm for our every need and knowing that He provides for us. Let us store up our treasures in heaven not with things on earth, money is helpful for lots of things but we are to not be slaves to it or worship it, worship GOd and give Him our money, its His money first, lets not give him whats left
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Postby Mercy7 » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:03 am

Wow seems like forever since i wrote here, i totally forgot i had one here lol
soooooo much has been happening, i don't know where to begin
im finding a lot of what i tell people here has been said already, so not the first one to encourage them in that way:)
and didnt know some things that bren had mentioned in her journal, is going on with me too.
The Lord is truly working in my life
Even though Its not the answers im looking for
He showing me how much he loves and cares for me
that He is there
theres a lot of things i need to let go of too and put it in Gods hands
instead of letting it harbor in me and just make me sick from burdening me
I have been going to a counselor and i actually stopped going which i should have :cry:
anyways i still need it but God is still doing many things in my life, I do write in a journal at home, try to update it a lot when i feel i have enough to say. havent written any more sermons either. been told many times in emails that i relalyshould conisder writing childrens stories, cause they say i write really good. I dont know im just expressing how I feel annd how the Lord is wroking. I think i need to spend more time with the Lord and in His word and thats why i am still stuck at home in my room all day long, He wants me to spend time with him before he opens any doors, maybe He is waiting for me to do my part
ive still got many emotions and burdens and questions and the past on me
I know i need to just lay it at His feet but its hard right now, and with health problems all the time well just not easy and no transportation whatsoever. ill have to add more that already happened lol
i cant think of anyting else my mind went blank so ill stop here for today.
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Postby Mercy7 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:56 pm

Hello, Today is friday and i finally dcided to go out and witness to my neighborhood, I am very shy and dont know what to day, so i decided to just walk down the streets, its a safe neighborhood and very quiet
so there was a man painting from a company i thought ok well im never going to be able to do it unles i just go and say something, so i went up to the man at a distance and said hello sir, how are you? would it be ok if i gave you something to read? he said oh i love to read i am reading three books and so he said waht kind of stuff to read, so i handed it to him and he looked at it and said ty, so then i was kinda scared what to say when i started so i wen to the first house and prepared by asking God to guide my words, the lady answered she had lots of curly puffy hair and he eyes spark;ed, seemed so invited, i told her hi and that i was a neighbor down the street, and i would like to give her something she said ohhhh i already have peace with God, and she told me she was a messianice jew, so i told her how i learning the names of God and i talked with her for a few she said oh you know your stuff lol, she goies to services on fridays and invited me, cause i told her how i love jewish people and about the jewish names for God abd everything. She took the track and so i went to the next house, well no one rejected or said anything bad, one guy had a tattoo on his arm, he lives next door to the preacher, he took it looked at it and said ty, there was also an old lady that answered, she like didnt want anything to do with soliciting but i was being friendly and told her i wanted to give her something she took it and had her foot in the door and stood there looking at it, i told her if theres any questions you can call that number for the church, then i waiting til i knew it was time to go and said have a blessed day, a few i left in mailbox, one house had a intercom he lady said, i dont have time to talk right now what it is, i said hi, i would like to give you some information, she said leave it in the mailbox, i said ty, she said yw
and so i gave 10 tracks out today. i only did a few houses lol so gonna half to get some more:)
Its that i dont know what to say to people not that i dont want to
if i dont go and just be friendly and say something nice and not force it on people, and just be myself, let the Lord work through, I know HE will help me and i Know He will do great work hrough this, I've felt called to do this for a while and finally obeyed.
I guess thats all for now. you all too have a blessed day in the Lord:)
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Postby Lani » Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:31 pm

*Cheer3* HolyIn!! *Cheer3*

Awesome! You said yesterday it was your intention to travel this path, taking that first step is always the hardest. You stepped outside your comfort zone and followed His lead!!!

:) Once He puts something in our Hearts, it only gets stronger till we get movin, eh? Then something Totally AWESOME Takes over :) His Spirit knows when the connection has been made and sis.... there is NO Stopping Him! Kinda like flood gates, in my opinion ;)

I am glad His word was well received, *ohyeah* for the seeds you planted. No Worries about what to say sis, Jeremiah didn't know what to say either, but like him, you are following the Lord's calling in your life, He will give you the words you need.

Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us Sis.

Peace n Love in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani or lni ;) lol

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Postby Tam » Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:36 pm

Awesome 7

Way to step out with boldness and move. SO proud of you sis.
Keep up the good work.
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Postby deetu » Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:15 pm

That is great sweetpea!!!
I have a suggestion for you...before you go, when you pray, ask God to lead you to the people that are ready to hear. Ask Holy Spirit to give you the words and guide you as you approach a person you "feel" like He wants to go to. Don't freeze up, don't think of the words or what to say before hand...just let them come.

That is soooo great!!! Hey here's something else...the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Just listen and believe what you hear.
He's proud of you.
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Postby Mackenaw » Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:39 pm

Hello Holy *hug*

Awwwwwwwwwww! Awwwwwwwww! Awwwwwwwwwww! AWESOME!!!

Holy, you are so sweet and I was so blessed in reading about what The Lord did through you today.

Thank you for sharing, Holy. It is encouraging to hear about our brothers and sisters in Christ, when they step out of their comfort zone, and step up to the call of God.

Hallelujah!!! Thank You Jesus.

God bless and keep you, Holy.
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Postby phantomfaith » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:56 pm

So AWESOME sister :)

Glad you stepped out in Faith *AngelYellow*

Like Deetu said, each time gets easier and easier as your Faith overcomes the fear. *saint*

Peace and Love to yas always *Pray*
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Postby kimberly » Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:36 am

A seed is a seed is a seed. No matter where it's a seed you have sown.
God does the rest.
Enjoy the journey.

You rock. Hugs, Kim
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Postby mlg » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:13 pm

*run* I made it, I made it sis! I'm finally here...sorry it took me awhile to get here rofl

Awww what an amazing time of witnessing you had! *angelbounce* I love to witness to people. I know what a beautiful feeling it gives you to reach out and tell others about Jesus! I'm glad everyone was receptive...because I've been on the other end where they will literally shove you away...and it makes you sad...sad to know they don't need Jesus or they have enough of Him in their life already and don't think they need more.

You keep stepping out there for God and sharing His love with others.

Alright so since I was about I make up for it with giving you a dancing *Penguin*

luv ya bunches and bunches
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Postby Mercy7 » Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:12 pm

Thanks everyone, its not a good day for me, like everythiing and everyone is against me.
first it was something with family, then it was i posted this about witnessing at anotherp lace and they deleted the post and eleted my account, guess that shows their walk and stuff, not judging them but the y lost me, oh well I accidentally deleted this post and ugghhhhhhhhhhhh just so frustrated
i dont remember what i typed oh yeah about moving out and not having to be told i should do this or dont tdo that when grandpa gets his way all the time even when he is wrong and it is harmful for his body and i have to sit and watch him do it and the restaurants, and he doesnt even care that its bad for him, i was trying not to make a show at the restuarant but it hurt me, to see him deliberately knowing the concesquences polute his body
been wanting to cry so much, was reading inthe book Just give me Jesus
anne graham lotz daughter was crying and the whole family cried with her in her pain, and ive longed for grandma to do that with me but instead ive always been ignored. Doesnt it say something like that in the bible about cry with those that cry and laugh with those that laugh?
just so frustrated right now and have been for almost a year, I try to be happy and cheerful but deep inside I am very hurt and everythings locked up inside, wont matter how much i go to the counselor, wont be fixed until the Lord decided to place me elsewhere
and then with His help I will be free, but right now i have to endure all this
suffering and pain
not just physical but emotional and mentally, my thoights run wild and im still having trouble with my habitual sin and i know ive been convicted of it and know but sometimes i get desperate for not having anything to do and be with and grandparents are busy and could never talk about it to them, and i end up doing it again. Not because i cant hold myself back but because i need something and I know i should bring it to Jesus and just ask him to hold me and talk to him, but i dont all the time, and yes God has been working in my life but he cant have all of me until I will be able to relax a little more and not be so tense and nervous and frustrated and just stuck in my room, I do however doing more for Him and reading my bible and uggh now some guys outside were laughing and i jumped so hard my heart stopped for a few, thats how tense i am
I had a dream last night was wacky in some ways cause it went everywhere wich way lol but one part was i was in the hospital with some type of tubes stuff in my neck and stuff and the dr was a muslim and i was sharing the gospel with him and with the nurse who was an american and after that it went to me wanlking in a school hall and a lady recognize me and went up to me i knew who it was and tlaked to her i told her i haevnt seen anither teacher and her room was empty was right next to the other teacher and both teachers were my friend and i havent been able to talk to either of them since hmm 2004? the other since um i graduated middle school, soooooo then i woke up. I guess ill stop here.
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