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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby Dora » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:50 am

sbennett wrote:I am soooooooo glad you are back!!!! ( ehhh....vahn too) I have missed you and your lovely thoughts!

I second that!!!! :)

*hug* Love you!
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:29 pm


I love you ladies! xoxox... very simply but from the depths of my soul, thank you. *AngelYellow*

Isnt it funny... I ask myself and my God, how quickly i change my tune? Forgive me Father. One minute believing Him whole heartedly and the next with just a glimpse of something else, can lure me from Truth. Yet He holds me firmly in His hands. Thank U Lord.

Another thought...

What if the patients wounds you wash, doesnt meet you with gratitude? Repay love with love. But what about if you are not treated with love in response to the love you gave.

What can one do?

Real love, does love not seek love in return. I should not seek gratitude when giving love.

Avoid falsehood, every kind of falsehood. Especially falseness to yourself, watch over your own decietfulness and look into it every hour, every minute. Avoid being scornful both to others and to yourself. What seems to be bad within you will begin to grow purer from the very fact that your observing it in yourself. Avoid fear too, tho fear is only the consiquence of every sort of falsehood. Never be frightened at your own faintheartedness in attaining love. Dont be frightened over much, even at your evil actions.

Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams. Love in dreams is greedy for immediate action, rapidly performed and in the sight of all.

Active love is labor and fortitude.

God bless
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:33 am

Fortitude~ mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously: example ~ `Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness.'

I like that :)

More thoughts that have been popping up in my mind lately...

Man will always fail you. As a friend i will fail you. Now dont get me wrong... that doesnt mean that i intentionally set out to fail people or my friends. God forbid! It's just very simply, Jill is not perfect. I embrace my imperfectness. There is a God~given reason for us to be imperfect. Reason number one for me to embrace my imperfections is: I need a perfect God to rely on and guide me! We all do. I need to NEED HIM. If i started to think that i didnt need Him, right there and then is where all my troubles will begin to engulf me.

Does that mean that i should strive to be imperfect? No... His Word says be transformed into the likeness of Christ on a daily basis. Each day we get closer to Him, but how do we do that? Through our imperfections is how we learn! So there it is , I thank God for my imperfections because i know through them that i will get closer to Him, by needing Him to help me through them, by needing Him to counsel me, by needing Him to run to.... the list goes on and on!

Now back to this "man will fail you " thang. Could it be that men fail us because we tend to put higher expectations on man than we should? AH! Why do we do that? Why do we seek perfection from others? We know that we ourselves cannot be perfect, so why do we expect perfection of others? Im talking about the unintentional stuff. Not the stuff that people set out to hurt other people with. That is a different story and we need to be held accountable for such things by our brothers and sisters and by Almighty God Himself! Schemes and set ups to intentionally hurt others is pure evil. yukkkkk

I have put too much expectation on people at times. I should put some expectation and accountability on them, but where I fall into the hurt is when I start to rely on other imperfect people instead of our Perfect God. Then whos fault is it? Is it theirs? Is it mine? Maybe some of both, but why would i be searching for fault? Again I already know that we are all imperfect and why should I expect such perfectness from man in the first place? Again leads back to "Whom are you putting your trust in?"

God never fails me! Thank U Jesus for your perfect ... YOU!!

God bless

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby Dora » Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:51 am

Thank U Jesus for your perfect ... YOU!!


Love you Jill. *hug*

Try not to think so gives me a head ache. lol
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby sharonleeu » Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:54 pm

I love your posts Jill... God is good ! *AngelYellow*
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:54 am

*Wave* Hey pine! if u think my thinking gives you a headache, imagine what it does vahn and he has no choice wether or not to hear what i say. :p -- > vahn

Hi sharon, thank u for your kind words, appreciate them dearly. ((u))

I guess my thinking makes me dizzy at times. Reason enough for me to get my thoughts out there in the open ;) I even think about my thinking! For instance yesterday on our way home from our soon to be new hometown, i caught myself thinking the same thought over and over and over again. I do that in my speech too, just word it differently in my sentences. Who knows why i do that, but at least i am beginning to realise a pattern that may not be too mind healthy. Just the thought itself keeps me in chains sometimes.. and i have to break from the thought and resolve it in my mind as just that.. resolved issue. As soon as i realeased the thought , through me now speaking the thought outloud , it then became resolved. It was through my telling of the thought to another that i then began to break free from the chains of the thought. No need to think of it anymore.

Posibility behind me doing this repetitive thinking is to make sure i am being understood in the manner i want them to understand. Or to make sure that i got my point across to another. Talk about control issues. :roll: No need to think of it anymore.

Doing inventory on our thoughts is just like weeding our garden. Notice the thought or pattern, examine it, is there Truth in that thought or is it helping me or damaging me? If it is not beneficial to my spiritual growth in Him and my mind's health, discard it. Once thrown out, its just that. Gone. Much like us giving our cares, worries and burdens to our Lord. Once given to Him, it becomes His property and He can do whatever He wants to do with it. It is no longer ours to carry. Freedom in Him.

N E Wayssss

thats it for today, im exhausted already.

God bless
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby vahn » Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:20 pm

Wow Jill !! ... what a thought !!

Luv ya
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby Dora » Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:06 pm

Now I'm thinking about your thinking about your thinking. *Doh* lol
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:40 pm


i love yall!

God is opening doors for us in another area. I have two interviews set for monday. Vahn will be going ahead of me, he has a job already in the new area. I have told the oldest and the youngest but have not told my daughter about the doors God is opening. She is the one that i worry about. She will not be happy with the move and have no idea how she is going to react. I am not looking forward to that talk with her, thinking of postponing the talk til i get a job.

We do not have a place up there yet, so please keep in prayer that God will lead us to the place He desires us to be and flourish in. *Pray* *Pray* *Pray*

Its going to be a trying time for me, i have become sooo dependant on vahn. Us being apart is frightening for me. I know that this is also a time for me to get closer to Him and face some things on my own. Time for both of us to grow in Him.

I will just have to keep myself very busy with things that glorify my Father. *AngelYellow*
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:01 pm

Ok, i had two interviews and two job offers. I chose the one i felt Him nudging me to, and i start in a few weeks. Now have to find somewhere to live!

God bless

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:19 pm

Found a Place to live, won't be ready til next week. I started work last nite at my new job, it was very difficult for me. I have been under an emmense amount of pressure this last month and out of my comfort zone. I am not one who deals who adapts to change easily. Well anywAys my first nite was not good for me, new shift, new people, new town, new job responsibilities, just so much to take in so suddenly and my Nerves are fighting against me every step of the way. God is breaking me from my comfort Zones I guess, it is not a pleasant experience. I have been clinging to Him more than I have in a very long time. I feel like a helpless lil kid who can't and won't dare do things on my own power cause I have none left. I am mentally, physicAlly and spiritually exhausted from al of this. My flesh says if u just would of stayed ther u wouldn't be putting yourself through all of this anxiety. My anxiety level has increased so much I hate being anxious and I don't know how to stop it. I have been listening to sermons, reading the word, crying out to God to please deliver me from this anxiety.

I know God is there I know He holds me n guides me, i feel Him at times.

God please give me your strength I am weak and weary. Your will be done.

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby Dora » Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:07 am

Hope you don't mind if I scribble here for a bit.

Someone shared with me just recently that when Jesus called Lazarus to come out of the tomb, if He hadn't of called him by name all the dead would of risen.

That is a whole lot of power our Lord has.

With power like that, I think He is capable of handling this move. ;) I hope you enjoy the ride.

God loves ya and so do I.
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