Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is a place where those who feel called by the Lord are able to post about any trials or victories they are going through as they serve the Lord by reaching and teaching His children. You can post and then lock your thread so no one can reply, if you so choose. Think of it as your own personal diary or journal that you choose to share with others who are called as to share ideas, experiences and tips as they too serve the Lord.


Postby pineapple-lump555 » Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:49 am

So i'm gonna try this one last time. These last few weeks have been chaotic. I'm battling against my mind, day in, day out, and nothing seems to change. I wanted so badly to leave the oasis, i couldn't bear to let anyone down again. I never really fitted in here anyway.

Sat in church this morning almost crying. I felt so strange and out of place, i didn't fit in. I couldn't stop thinking about walkin away from God. Why would he love me anyway. I hate it when people tell me everything is going to be ok. Cause then it isn't, as usual, and i just have more broken promises. I just can't take this. I wish everything would just go away.
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:58 am

pineapply *hug5*

I must admit that i really don't understand why you would want to leave here. I have never observed anything that would cause me to think you didn't belong. And i dunno about letting others down, all i can say is that you never let me down.

As far as not fitting in here, my thoughts on that is that the enemy is influencing you. I have observed that mainly this site is based on love, forgiveness and encouragement. ok a few cliques and a one argument i have observed, but O quickly handled the argument by deleting the post and making an announcement!) Thank God cuz the One time i saw that, it broke my heart to see such division from people i love and consider friends and my brothers and sisters.

Yep i have run quite a number of times from here... why??? well, i think it was more ME than anything else. I ran cuz i had fallen. But, i keep coming back, cuz this is my temporary home. I reckon it was God calling me to get back up.

so sis,,,, get back up!!
Last edited by goldieluvs on Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dora » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:26 am

*hug* little sis.

Decide between truth and lie and kick the lies out. The devil wants you to leave here. That's a trick he plays on many. Myself included.

You do belong cause you are one of us. *hug5*

Praying for you.

The mind is the battle field. It's a spiritual battle for your soul and the souls of those you will reach for Christ.

Love you bunches!
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Postby ciny » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:12 pm

Pine apple
hi like Pine says decide between the truth and the lies and kick the lies out
I have been batteling with not fitting in anywhear Oasis site is helping me out a lot getting deeper into Gods word is helping me to fight the lies of the enemy to.
like pine said again you do belong hear you are loved and you are one of us
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Postby lizzie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:51 pm

i couldn't bear to let anyone down again.


Strive to live up to God's expectations of you... not other people's.
You will find a strange thing. That other flawed humans usually expect wayyy more from us than God does and its usually to fit their agendas.
Keep your focus on the Lord and if you make a mistake, know that Jesus died on the cross so that you could have forgiveness and mercy. Grab on to Grace and it will lift you up again, and you keep moving ahead.

I love u *hug*

P.S. Fitting in is sooooo boring ;) Dare to be different because you are. God made you unique and He doesnt want you to compromise who you are to fit in with other people who are also trying to be like everyone else. But also know that no matter what our differences, we each have our place in the body of Christ, and nothing anyone does or says will ever change that.
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Postby deetu » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:33 pm

lumpy chocolate
You have the power of Jesus in you to tell those lies to leave when you realize they come. Just tell them to leave you in Jesus' name... out loud and they have to. Say it with authority... like telling your dog to get down. Then reach for Jesus. Ask him to fill that thought with the opposite. Praise and worship and see your thoughts change.

When the enemy attacks, it's because you are doing something right or there is a mission for your life.
Believe that Jesus is backing you and the evil will have no control.
Listen to Holy Spirit for guidance... he usually sounds like your conscience, only stronger. Some people just feel or know what is right because they believe.

And if you feel like you don't fit in the church you are going to... look for another!! Find a Spirit filled church with a great youth group and see a difference.

giving the same hug...hee hee
It is better to light a candle then curse the darkness *lost*
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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:19 pm

have had a hard week. just discovered Britt Nicole. Beautiful voice, beautiful lyrics love it. have been listening to her music lots this morning.

Dunno what i would do without my friends. Have been stressing all morning and she calmed me down immediatly. dunno how she does that. she has that effect on me.
So do NOT want to go to school on monday. Friday was HELL. At least i only have school till thursday, then i'm going to new caledonia and after that its holidays.

Hope next week will be better. Back to just breathing and bearing it again.
Don't cry because its over.
Smile because it happened.
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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:58 pm

Wow. i haven't posted here in AGES.

I'm Sooooo sick of the mood swings. I go so hyper and bouncy, (mum told me to stop being so manic mon nite..)(then had to find out wat manic meant lol) and drop sooooo low into depression, straight after, and its soo annoying. y can't i just have normal moods for once?

I haven't crashed all day today. for once. Maybe it was that run i went for this morning? i have been in a FAB mood all day. its great. tho i am not looking forward to tonight. either i will stay in my good mood and be unable to sleep, or i will crash, right into depression. again. not looking forward to either.

had no school today :) cause teachers were on strike :( but hey..its a day off school!
Don't cry because its over.
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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:47 am

final exams coming up, homework by the truckload, am i supposed to be studying? speeches....oh dear. Time to stop procrastinating and start doing stuff.
weather is warming up, the sun is shining, summer is coming. and christmas. yay!
sat in class today just waiting for it to be over. i am sick of the teachers being on my case all the time. can't help but think how great it would be if i could just sleep forever. Never wake up. Never have to deal with any more crap ever again. i wish.
Don't cry because its over.
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Postby deetu » Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:02 am

love you lumpy chocolate...sending prayers of encouragement

Father give pineapple more strength and grace
Help her threw the tough times
Release the joy and peace in You that she seeks
Let her know the guidance of Holy Spirit
In Jesus' name I pray
It is better to light a candle then curse the darkness *lost*
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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:38 pm

Home sick today. (lol *cough*) i'm not really very sick. but i was sick yesterday, and i need a break. have spent some time studying anyway so im not doing nothing. still a day oof school for nearly no reason :) im realli tired.

my church is getting new pastors at the start of next year and they r coming to visit on sunday. i am realli excited to meet them. they came once before (just as normal ppl, noone 'cept our pastors knowing who they were) and they loved the church and ppl so they said theyd pastor us. i was away that week so i didn't get to meet them. can't wait to see them and their kids!
Don't cry because its over.
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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:29 am

Bad Day. Tinsel wouldn't stay up at work, and i spent a couple of hours leaning back on a stool banging nails into the back side of the wood. Huge fight with my mum last night. Made pancakes tonight. They tasted great but my little brother spent the whole time criticzing them and me. (parents were out)
Is it so wrong to want to feel appreciated??? Just for once????
Don't cry because its over.
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Dr Seuss
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