Christianity Oasis Forum

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Re: New heart, fresh start

Postby goldieluvs » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:21 pm

ty jilly *hug5*
more changes at work. i think they just fired someone this evening cuz i get a call from exec director to give me a new security code for an office i don't even have a key for (just in case i was coming in this weekend to work) we have a new clinical director whom God forgive me, but i really do not like her. We got a new staff on the team i work on finally YAY (assuming they keep everyone) IDK i think that place is just a lil too crazy for me (dang for those who really know me that says ALOT lol )
Got confronted by my past this afternoon while working. I picked someone up (an adult) and stopped by their mom to make sure mom could pick them up at hospital later).. well........ turns out when i used to work for foster care as a social worker that i took the one grandkid she decided to keep and gave her back to her mom. (ok well in reality it was judge who made decision but was based on my and other's recommendations)... well i lied to this woman saying i didn't remember her (as everyone has right to privacy u know that HIPPA thing) well, what i remember most about this woman was she was always saying how we had to find another place for granddaughter to go because it was just too hard to take care of her. So, like fifteen years later i am still remembered for taking her outta home. I guess ya gotta be careful what ya ask for cuz sometimes it actually happens idk. Now, i recently applied to do same job but in another county although my heart really isn't in it cuz i remember the toll it took on me last time. BUT desperate, so will see. I figure if in a county about hr away then chances of me running into anyone who remembers me will drastically reduce as i won't relocate, just commute if they interview me and offer me the job. I dunno where I am supposed to be and perhaps i am meant to be where i am but if i am, it sure doesn't feel like it. At any rate, i prolly will have to go in tomorrow or Sunday, just not to the office with the new security code lol . Not much else going on, been listening to some worship music which has helped so thats good. God is indeed good
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