Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have begun the the seven step program called Spirit of Truth, which was created to assist you in establishing and/or enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. In this forum you can share thoughts with fellow Christians who are also enjoying the promised comfort of being His friend. If you would like to begin this Spiritual journey, you can do so here: Spirit of Truth

day 4

Postby Ruthk34 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:46 pm

Doing good. Today I spoke to the Holy Spirit a lot. Even about the small stuff and I mad better choices by doing it. For example at lunch I stopped at a conveniant store and instead of buying a candy bar I got a banana all because I asked the Holy Spirit "what should i get for a snack?" Then out of nowhere banana popped in my head, I knew it was the right choice. I felt better for making that choice since it is what is better for me. I often times made wrong choices, suffered for it since I'm diabetic but would do it again an again but today I made the right choice. It's a small step in the right direction. I just have to pray to keep it up. :P
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Re: day 4

Postby lyl1114 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:24 am

Yay, ruth34!

Thanks for sharing your progress. I am so excited to get closer to the Holy Spirit. I see You are already getting so close to Him. Kind of a weird thought...the same Holy Spirit is working in you as well as me. makes nme feel closer to my sisters and brothers in Christ...although we haven't met face to face. :) very happy for you and may God continue to bless you! *Clap*
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Re: day 4

Postby Ruthk34 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:34 am

thank you lyl1114 and may God bless you also.
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Re: day 4

Postby realtmg » Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:09 am

Thank You Lord.
GBU both.

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