Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have begun the the seven step program called Spirit of Truth, which was created to assist you in establishing and/or enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. In this forum you can share thoughts with fellow Christians who are also enjoying the promised comfort of being His friend. If you would like to begin this Spiritual journey, you can do so here: Spirit of Truth

Day 4

Postby jimf » Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:17 pm

Holy Spirit, Live through me I give my life to you. I've never thanked You before for "CLEAR SIGNS" of my running ahead of You, of not allowing You to be the most important part of my life. I thank you for stress, depression, anxiety and a sense of failure. Allow whatever in my life to keep me close to you. Search my heart and help me to accept nothing less than a real and living relationship with You. I love and trust you completely.
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Location: florida
Marital Status: Married

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