Christianity Oasis Forum
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Journal 4
So I have a new friend and a defender of the devil with me every step of the way. It sounds to easy to have the Holy Spirit with ones self everyday all day, so I want to continue my talking to the Holy Spirit and get to him better. This is truly something I want to do and have wanted to do for sometime, but I wasn't really sure want to do or how to do the growing I needed and wanted, but now I do know how. So grow I will and strenghting my faith as I grow, this seems may to cool and great to be able to do.
Enjoy the time you/we have with the Holy Spirit and tell others you care about, about the Holy Spirit.
Take care
Enjoy the time you/we have with the Holy Spirit and tell others you care about, about the Holy Spirit.
Take care
Larry77 - Posts: 17
- Location: Wisconsin
- Marital Status: Married
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