Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have begun the the seven step program called Spirit of Truth, which was created to assist you in establishing and/or enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. In this forum you can share thoughts with fellow Christians who are also enjoying the promised comfort of being His friend. If you would like to begin this Spiritual journey, you can do so here: Spirit of Truth

Journal 4

Postby Larry77 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:26 pm

So I have a new friend and a defender of the devil with me every step of the way. It sounds to easy to have the Holy Spirit with ones self everyday all day, so I want to continue my talking to the Holy Spirit and get to him better. This is truly something I want to do and have wanted to do for sometime, but I wasn't really sure want to do or how to do the growing I needed and wanted, but now I do know how. So grow I will and strenghting my faith as I grow, this seems may to cool and great to be able to do.

Enjoy the time you/we have with the Holy Spirit and tell others you care about, about the Holy Spirit.
Take care
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Location: Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married

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