Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have begun the the seven step program called Spirit of Truth, which was created to assist you in establishing and/or enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. In this forum you can share thoughts with fellow Christians who are also enjoying the promised comfort of being His friend. If you would like to begin this Spiritual journey, you can do so here: Spirit of Truth

Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby JohnR » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:39 pm

It's day1 for Spirit of Truth but day 23 since my rededication. I wish I could say that everything is going well but it's not. I'm still struggling with not being able to sleep, my mobile home is literally falling apart, we have too many animals (cats & dogs), we don't make enough money to cover all our bills (our phone is off because we couldn't pay the bill), & then to top it all off the stupid company didn't pay us for a new account we have & said they'd mail it to us & they didn't (I was PO"d!!!). And my oldest son is going to be home from the Navy in the begining of July. I'm so sick of this life & really wish the Lord would just take me out.
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Re: Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby JohnR » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:43 pm

Oh & I'm married & I haven't had sex in 6 months!!! Wow life is great!!!!
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Re: Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby lyl1114 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:50 am

Hi JohnR.
Today I was lead here from the other journey...and found you here on this forum.
My prayers go out to God for you, have been so strong during your journey and I pray God will give you strength to pull through. Remember? Holy Spirit is called COMFORTER. I know taking on this new journey, the enemy will try to attack your walk with God...but God is great and HE LOVES YOU and knows your hardship. Lay them down at the feet of Jesus and may He carry you through.
You have encouraged me with your kind words and your example...and my heart aches with you because I can relate.
I pray that God will make a way where there seems to be no way...
I love you, my brother in Christ.
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Re: Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:29 am

Brother I know your feeling of wanting to give up, but that is NOT of God that is satan trying to steal you FROM God
he (satan) sees you are moving forward with God and he don't like it.
As for the life trials you are facing I can relate as well although my home is solid and I only have 2 dogs that stay outside
I failed at marriage, at buying 2...yes 2 different homes during the failed marriage, I have a loan company looming over me for a loan on the second home that was not even in my name! I have lost all I loved.....except God!
I will not allow satan to destroy my faith, no I'm not the model Christian and yes I have my weaknesses BUT HE LOVES ME JUST THE SAME!!!
Brother me and you both need to remember our God IS stronger!
I am going through something right now that I want SO badly you cannot imagine but I have to put it in Gods hands and wait on Him, He knows my heart and He also knows my needs.
Don't think this will really help you but just to let you know your not alone, I have not even been in a womans arms for over 2 years.....yes it's lonely but I will wait on the Lord.
Bless you brother and I pray He shows you ways of escaping the troubles and healing your heart
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Re: Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:31 pm

Hi John,

Seems like you got alot on your plate. It is good to come here when you need the support and it is even better to seek Him during your trials which you are doing so by continuing to study His Word and renew your mind and life In Christ Jesus. I know things seem tough now, but hang in there brother.. He is in control, and who better to be in control of all the mess in our life than Him? *dunno*

If i may make a few suggestions reguarding your circumstances. Have you thought of selling any of the animals? I know it is tough to sell animals these days cause there are so many out there and available but it seems like it would be worth the effort at least that could solve two problems. A> too many animals B> needed money. Or you can give the animals away to families who would take good care of them and that would diminish the cost for caring in caring for the animals and free up a lil bit of money.

I think it is safe to say that some of these stressors in your life is cutting into your ability to sleep well. Have you tried meditation? Relaxing music also helps and sometimes need to watch our diet. Too much caffeine and sugar can impact your ability to rest well. If you dont already, try to read before you go to sleep.

Remember also, He does not give us more than we can handle AND we do not need to do things alone, He is with us.. right there encouraging us.

AS for the sex, you may need to reignite a flame within your wife. Try romancing her and show affection, we love that kind of stuff.

God bless
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Re: Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby JohnR » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:01 pm

Hi All,
I just want to thank you all for your love, support, & words of encouragement. Whenever I get like I did yesterday one of the things I do is to listen to a Christian message or music. Yesterday it was some Joseph Prince mp3s I downloaded from his site. Satan had me so blinded that even that didn't help much. After I got home from work & ate I was led to come onto this site & go to the chat room. After meeting a few people I struck up a conversation with someone there & within a few minutes I started to see life thru God's eyes & was feeling better. Then I realized where I went wrong, I wasn’t looking at the situation thru GOD’s eyes!!! That is how I’ve been able to continue on each day & deal with everything because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I also want to warn everybody because Satan is on the prowl & all he has to do is divert our attention just for a moment & before you know it your knee deep in self-pity & forgetting what God has done for us & anything we have to go thru is a piece of cake. Plus God is NOT the one who made a mess of my life yet He is willing to help me change it all BUT I have to remember it is for HIS glory not mine. Jill; as for the animals I would be happy just to find a home for most of them & be able to save the money on feeding them. Also I have a doctor’s appointment for the 26th this month for the sleep problem. As far as my relationship with my wife is concerned I honestly believe that once things start to change in myself, our finances, & our living conditions that she will come around. And you know what, even if she doesn’t it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Too much emphasis is placed on sex in our society. Besides I want God to COMPLETELY use me for HIS purpose. So hopefully He’ll keep me so busy that I won’t even think about it anymore. *laughter*
God Bless
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Re: Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby realtmg » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:32 pm

Seek Him with all you have and put one fooy in front of the other and God will take you to new beginnings.
I too have to remember this.


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Re: Day1: NOT GOOD!!!

Postby Buddee » Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:28 am

A beginning to a solution for your financial woes would be to cancel whatever service it is that you pay into to provide your internet access. One less bill to fall behind in, more $$$ available for something more...necessary.

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