Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have begun the the seven step program called Spirit of Truth, which was created to assist you in establishing and/or enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. In this forum you can share thoughts with fellow Christians who are also enjoying the promised comfort of being His friend. If you would like to begin this Spiritual journey, you can do so here: Spirit of Truth

Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:37 pm

step 1. (cont from CCCC journal)

i've had lots of experience with the holy spirit, so i'm looking forward to how i can be even closer to Him. My impression is i am being restored and healed for "something". i hope i know what it is soon.
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:40 pm

step 2

blessings: Holy Spirit. good nite sleep. dvd movies, computer games. work next tuesday, bible study today. library, books, clean cloths, partner to help me with stuff, my great mind,

interesting i haven't felt like praying last few days, not like me.
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:08 pm

Awesome to see you on this journey as well sister *AngelYellow*

Just love the way you are going after Him! *JesusSign*

God bless and keep you always
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:55 am

step 3

Holy Spirit you know my heart. God has given many wonderful gifts, please, please, i pray show me what to do with them!!


i have spiritual gifts of healing and helping, organization and encouragement.

blessings: oasis friends, bible study friends, internet-dvd, ability to take time out for rest & healing, some work next week, acupunture, physical therapy, people who like to clean and drive
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:50 am

step 4

i use to open the bible at random and read and stopped for some reason. looking forward to it again, it was a lot of fun before.

blessings: good nite sleep, bible study, christian music, good food, great weather, feeding the ducks, service people, internet, computer, library

Gods' will: Ask God for things that would make Him happy! He wants me to be happy, I want Him to be happy. how simple can it be!

went for a random reading in the bible and it reminded me of the above thing i had read in the study and think about it soem more. God is so good.
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:41 pm

Hello Flourish *hug*

God bless you this day.

I am so happy that you are actively pursuing Him and getting as much out of this Study as you can. Your attitude is awesome -- so very hopeful!!! Wooooohoooooo!!!

God does want you happy.

Reminded me of an old song. Here a rendition of the song "I want to be happy" as sung by Ella Fitzgerald. Enjoy :)

God bless and keep you, Flourish.
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:19 pm

step 5

He wants me to replace my anger. (pride?) with?
anger management, acknowledge it , manaage it: write it out, yell it out, physical exercise, beat it out. anger from someone else hurting me. selfish reaction. do i feel close to the Lord when i am angry?
i don't have a problem with the word no, its when others don't respect my boundaries i have problems with.

replace anger with another reaction with controlling my thoughts.
when thoughts control me i am on emotional rollercoaster. keep thinking about the same thing and get angrier and angrier and it spreads and grows
pursue things to glorify God or me?
anger at God spreads to anger at others and vice versa. anger comes from satan
scorn produces stubborness and won't listen to correction
christian music.
prayer: Holy Father fill me with Your Passion and remove my sins of anger & pride, in Jesus name i pray

blessings struggle with remembering to do this so i will bold it!
Holy Spirit led bible readings: read today about Jesus praying in the garden before his death. he wanted God to take this burden from, but he would be crucified if it was God's Will. then an Angel strengthened him for his mission
i feel like i'm in the same boat, suffering. But it is Gods Will and he has sent me angels here at oasis to strengthen me.
thank you Father for bringing this to my attention and for music, library, great mind, friends, reading, tv, nature walks, ducks, comedy, weekends
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:39 pm


so it all comes down to Jesus or satan. all good comes from Jesus all bad comes from satan. whether bad comes from weather, ohter person, me, situations, illness, pain, abuse, all of it. satan is to blame, my responsibility is to fite satan along side with Jesus (or in my case hiding behind Jesus) and FLOURISH in spite of satan. and i will fite him until the day i die!!!!! so i will turn my anger against satan and start blaming him for it all, lol. the new ninja angels are born, ha
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:07 pm

shoulder seems to be healing, went to a great party sat, naps, beautiful weather,, washing machines, stoves, pots and pans, frigerator, holy spirit, rest, entertainment, cars,

3 things quench spirit

blame game change to satan
forget to thank, blessings & praise
independence with dependence on holy spirit
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Re: Holy Spirit fill me with your passion

Postby Flourish » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:20 am

step 7

blessings, praise: great day at work yesterday. shoulder held up well. slept really well. went for a walk by the lake, good food, no problems with commute, comfy bed.
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