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Going Home

Postby morningrain » Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:24 pm

Wrote this over a month ago, at a moment was at a low point. The verse's used is what the Holy Spirit placed on my heart at that time. And still are written upon my heart, knowing soon we will be going home.


Going home is my dream. It's a path that only leads one way. The Light which shines the way, is the one I dream to see. All my fears, my tears, my hurts and my pains, shall be washed away. By the one who took it all on Himself. To know He is who leads the way of going home. Soon He shall be calling, and I will be waiting. To see Him coming in the clouds, to see Him coming leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. How sweet those first words will be and there after. Prepared to sit at the banquet table, prepared for a wedding feast. I shall sit down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit shall be sweet to my taste. He is my beloved and I am His. This is my dream, to going home to be with the one I know who cares. He shall keep me safe from all harms way. He shall hide me under the shadows of His wings, and take me home, cause there, my heart belongs. Till that day comes, my prayer shall be. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus, for you are the way.
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