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Recipe: Breaded Kale Spears

Postby Mackenaw » Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:57 am

Hello Everyone :)

God bless you this day.

Here is a recipe for the large kale stems that are often removed and discarded from kale leaves prior to eating. I adapted a recipe given to me years ago for preparing wild grown burdock stems (a.k.a. free food), often referred to as "garduni" or "carduni" or "cardune", etc.

From the last bunch of kale I purchased, I had 13 kale stems, varying in length from 5 to 8 inches long. I gave each a quick peel with a vegetable peeler by laying each stem flat against a cutting board, and running a vegetable peeler down the entire length of the stem, then rotating the stem a little and repeating procedure. Once all stems are lightly peeled, place them in a pan of boiling water and allow to boil for 10 - 15 minutes. Then drain, and dip each stem in an egg wash (a raw egg stirred in a bowl), then dip in seasoned bread crumbs. Place on a baking sheet. Once all the stems have been breaded, spray a light spritz of vegetable oil from one of those spray cans (PAM or similar brand -- I prefer olive oil or avocado oil spray). Place in a pre-heated oven on 375 degrees and bake/roast for 10-15 minutes.

NOTE: If you prefer, the breaded stems can be fried in oil on the stove top instead of baking/roasting in oven.

Eat soon after. :) Can be eaten, as is, or dipped in ranch dressing, ketchup, or condiment of your choice.

The stems of kale are full of healthy nutrients, and a shame to just throw away.

God bless and keep you,
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Re: Recipe: Breaded Kale Spears

Postby mlg » Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:41 pm

I've never had kale spears, but this sounds good.
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