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It's all about me( getting published)

Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:17 pm

This poem here I entered into a contest not thinking that I would get anything. Well now it is being published and this poem is going into the finals.

It's all about me

It' all about me,
that's why im happy to be free,
take a walk in my shoes
and maybe you would see,
why my life is all about me
people around me treat me wrong,
they make me feel
like I just dont belong
I don't understand why they judge,
by the way I look,
it's just like judging a cover on a book,
some people just cant see
God made us all
the way he wanted us to be,
I wish we could laugh,
I wish we could smile
and make life on Earth
worth a while.
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Posts: 340
Location: Illinois
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Postby Guest » Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:38 pm

Congratulations mysweetsavior! I can see why they picked this poem. You are very talented! :)
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