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I said a prayer!

Postby Leaps4Joy » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:08 pm

I said a prayer for you today,
Even though you me not hear,
I said a prayer of thanks,
That I knew that you'd always be near,
I said a prayer of humbling,
For that's what you've done to me,
I said a prayer full of tears,
Because you showed me who I could be,
I said a prayer of gracefulness,
You told me that's what I would need,
I said a prayer of hope,
Because you showed me how to lead,
I said a prayer of content,
I knew your decisions were holy,
I said a prayer of relief
I know we won't be lonely
I said a prayer for you today
So, I now know everything's okay
Because you love me so!
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