Christianity Oasis Forum

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The highest praise.

Postby Leaps4Joy » Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:30 am

Give our God the highest praise,
Let us worship the "Ancient of Days,"
Play our harps and cymbols too,
Lord we want to worship you.

We want others to come along,
Help us sing a brand new song,
Let us not, think of rest,
Till we've given God our best.

Shout and sing with our voice,
Show we've made God our choice,
When you see, living waters flow,
Tell about it wherever you go.

God is pouring out this joy,
Given to each girl and boy,
Makes you dance around with glee,
Then old satan has to flee.

We are looking for Gods Son,
He wants to save, "everyone."
I know He is coming soon,
Could be morning night or noon.

If you want to sing His song,
Then you'll have to come along,
He will change your heart today,
Push old satan out of the the way.

You will be so glad you did,
Evil and sinning you are rid,
Now you'll sing a brand new song,
Hum and sing it all day long.
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Location: Illinois
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