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This is what I Preach to You

Postby KelseyLong » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:18 am

Someone once asked me,
"How can you believe in something you can't see, touch, hear, taste, or smell?"
I had no words at the time
But now, I say,
"I feel Him in my heart and I feel Him in life.
I see Him in the beauty of earth and space.
I hear Him in the songs the wind sings.
I taste Him in the air I breathe.
I smell Him in the petals of a rose."

Someone once told me,
“You God does exist, he is your personal delusion.”
I protested weakly at the moment
But now I tell her,
“God is alive and well!
He is glorious and merciful!
If He is a delusion,
Over one million people feel the same way!"
As a Christian, we will find struggles and hardships like no other, that is why Jesus died for me, that is why he died for YOU! Often times we find ourselves wondering, is this life worth living? I thought I got a great deal when I signed up for this. But here is a reality check, we did not just sign up, we chose to LIVE! God gives us tests, to prove ourselves to him and so we can grow stronger, that is why our hardships are truly blessings in disguise. So count both your hardships and blessings
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Posts: 34
Location: Denver, Colorado
Marital Status: Waiting on God

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