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Delicate danty Day 10
Today we learned about praying. Every since I have been on here this has been something that I have truely felt weak at. When I first began someone needed prayer in a chat room and I asked. Noone typed a prayer I was gently and nicely told that even though it was not out loud prayers had gone up. I did not truely unserstand until now. My sister is pregnant with twins after 3 miscarriages. She kept saying dont just pray, pray specific. Pray we have healthy embryos. Pray wehave healthy fetuses etc. Dont just pray for healthy babies that could mean adoption. So my mom was in the hospital for about 2 weeks and it was near the end of the month. Funds were running low. I take the last of my splurge moneyand go to the cafeteria and eat. I pray over my food.
I had blackey peas, cornbread, boiled cabbage and roasted chicken. Well I thanked God for allowing me to have the money to eat because i had spent the night at the hospital. And I asked God to use the food to nourish my body. My mom had taken a turn for the worse so this was an unplanned over nite trip I did not have any of my meds of my emergency food. What I did not do was pray specific. I forgot to ask God to make the food tast good. The blackeye peas were burnt, the cabbage was watery, the chicken was rubbery and thank goodness it is hard to mess up cornbread. I ate it all. But the whole time I thought net time you will pray specific. As I looked around I noticed everyone had a baked potatoe with a piece od brocolli inside with cheese on it and I thought boy I wish I had noticed that earlier. They must all know something.
I ate it because I was thankful to have food to eat. But as the lesson say becareful what you pray for it may get answered. Another 30 minutes and my sister would have been there with a Doulbe Cheeseburger and fries.
I think after this lesson the net time someone asks for prayer in a chat room I will not let that request go unanswered. I will have the strenght to pray out loud. Please continue to pray for me as this Cinderella works for her crown. 

"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." Mark 11:24
Remember God loves you,
Remember God loves you,

dantyriverside - Posts: 87
- Location: Alabama, USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Delicate danty Day 10
That's a funny story. 
I don't pray well out loud either. But when others say a prayer out loud for me it's such a blessing. I think it helps get me thinking in the right frame of mind.
My prayers have a lot of sighing and few words. Because my spirit is communing with Him.
Don't forget to listen when praying.
Probably the most important part of praying.
love you muchly!

I don't pray well out loud either. But when others say a prayer out loud for me it's such a blessing. I think it helps get me thinking in the right frame of mind.
My prayers have a lot of sighing and few words. Because my spirit is communing with Him.
Don't forget to listen when praying.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Delicate danty Day 10

I seeing you growing in Him and it touches my soul

God bless you sis
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: Delicate danty Day 10
Pine and Jill I want to thank you both for your words of encouragement. You dont know how much it means to me. You are my sisters in Christ that I dont have outside of this Family. So your words go a long way when I am going through out my daily activitys.
So thank you for being you. I love ya 

"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." Mark 11:24
Remember God loves you,
Remember God loves you,

dantyriverside - Posts: 87
- Location: Alabama, USA
- Marital Status: Married
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