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Diabetes, type 1

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 6:55 pm
by envision
Okay guys.... I'm a type 1 diabetic. Had it for over two years. I was diagnosed December 27 and I lost about 40 pounds. I've been on shots for more than a year and currently I have an insulin pump now. I'll feel low when my blood sugar is 120 and I will feel high at 130. That's not high nor low, but that's how I am. Is there any other types 1s here?

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:58 am
by susidivah
Hey envision :)

Was just in your neck of the woods this weekend! (Ohio)... beautiful countryside out there...

Anyway, I am not a diabetic, but work with a few clients who are Type 1. It took them a while to learn how to do their insulin routine, but I know that one of them runs about the same numbers as you do. I was told 120 was pretty good for a diabetic? I'm glad you posted for I'm sure others will read and may have some feedback and can relate.

God bless you Envision, hope to see you around! *saint*