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Update on Splash

Postby dn2324 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:19 pm

Splash wanted me to pass this update on for her to her friends and oasis family:

What an amazing day.. vacation bible school with 135 little orphan children... it's so sad but also a blessing to get to help them but... yeah sad cuz it's just one day

I'm gonna copy and paste the letter i sent to my family and friends today so you can update folks on what I'm doing or at least know for yourself.

here it is:

Hello! It's been a very busy few days... after our long flight we spent the night at a nice place and headed out the nexft morning for Swaziland... because of the boxes of donated items we brought from the states to gift the swazi people with (toothbrushes, toothpaste, quilts, gifts, vbs supplies, etc) we were held up at the border for 8 hours. About 7 hours into that one the keys to one of the vehicles were locked in ... but we got it open with the help of some fellows from a nearby gas station.

Saturday was the youth conference... as we were standing in the parking lot watching one of our men change a flat tire on one of the cars, we heard the sound of music... looked up to see hundreds of teens walking down the road with banners and a marching band and many carrying chairs... we actually paraded through town and back to the arena for the conference... it went well..

Sunday we visited two churches and were really blessed to be there for Pastor Appreciation Sunday. In order to show their pastor love, the pastor and his family sat down front while members carried gifts down and put them at their feet... big bags of rice and brown sugar and wrapped gifts... and then they carried in a box springs and matress and set it up next to the altar and then made the bed with new comforter and pillows ... they told the pastor that he is so busy looking after them that he needs to rest so the new bed is to encourage him to rest.

Today, we went to a little village Setiki? and did vacation bible school for 135 orphan or vulnerable children .. many very young toddlers. The children are beatuiful and precious and appreciate everything that we brought. They were very hungry, their support having not come with food for a few days so we went to the store and got them beans and rice and bread and potatoes and cabbage to last two weeks, and lunch for them today was 1/2 orange, a slice of bread and a cup of juice. It went very well but we're all a little shocked at the reality of so many starving homeless children without parents. We changed our lunch plans for the rest of the week to having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in order to take our food money and buy food for these kids.

Tuesday we're going to another village that has two "care points" where we will do a VBS in the morning for about 150 children and in the afternoon for another 75? (i think that's what they said). We were warned the roads into this area are very rough and there isn't any water available so we're taking a big tank of water for them also. This group is supported by a local church who fed us supper tonight.

The team is all really nice and everyone is healthy and doing well. God is good and I'm so blessed to be here and so thankful for all of you who have supported me with your love, encouragement, financial support and prayers.

Love ya,
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Postby Mackenaw » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:39 pm

Thanks DN :)

It is so nice to hear some news from Splashie. She has been in my thoughts and prayers.

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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:42 pm


God bless and keep splash. Praying that God will use her as His vessel today and everyday. Praying for travel mercies and favor. In Jesus name amen.

Love u splash and thanks dn *angelbounce*

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Postby Dora » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:50 am

Sounds like splash is having a wonderful time. :)

Sure do miss her. Was great to see her for a few minutes in chat yesterday.

Come home soon splash. *run*
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Postby Tam » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:08 am

Bless our sister as she is out doing HIS work. *Pray*

Thanks for the update dn.
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Postby mlg » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:28 am

Awww I wish I was there with her....what a blessing! I know she is bringing glory to God and that He is growing in the hearts of those she is able to reach out to. May God's will be done.

Thanks for the update.

luv ya'll
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Postby deetu » Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:43 am

That is so cool.
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Postby phantomfaith » Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:13 am

thanks for the update from splash dn :)

Just WOW it must be amazing for you splash to be doing this for these kids and for the Lord *AngelYellow*

God Bless u greatly sister

Praying for you and yours *Pray*
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