Christianity Oasis Forum

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Thought for the Day - March 17

Postby Sylvia » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:17 am

Who Is This Man?

Jesus said to his followers, "Why are you afraid? You still
have no faith?" The followers were very afraid and asked each
other, "What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the water
obey him!"

-- Mark 4:40-41 (ERV)

"Who is this man?" Ah! That's the real question we need to be asking.
He is more than a man, but is yet fully human. He is pre-existent and
created all things, yet was hung on a tree that he made and killed by
people whom he created in the wombs of their mothers. He has all power,
yet withholds it to go to the Cross to bear the weight of our sins. Who
is this man? Who do you say that this man is?
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