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need to make a change

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:40 am
by Lionhearted
hello all *Greet* ...

first thing i need to do is apologize, i didn't realize that on my profile page it said 1Peter !!!! only!!! no, i'm not memorizing the 'book' of first peter ... it is a typo, i meant to put 1 Peter 1 .... just the first chapter ....

and also, i was corrected by the Lord ... said He didn't tell me to memorize that book .... He really wants me to continue my study of proverbs 31 (which i started about 1 1/2 years ago) and to learn those verses .... He didn't say i couldn't learn 1 peter 1 (obviously), but He wants me to focus on proverbs 31 .... i don't understand ... but, i know enought to obey, so i will.

i will be amending my profile; and also, i've done something to my ankle, i don't remember what *dunno* so, i cannot power walk, i can walk fine around the house and stuff, but when i put any impact on it all, it really hurts ... sooooo, i've compensated by adding time on my cycle ... as well as added extra time ... in the morning i ride for 20 mins and 15 at night; also just yesterday, i dropped back about 5 mins, because i just graduated to the highest tension #8 ... so it feels like i'm riding uphill WOWZAS ... i'm gonna be able to crack walnuts with my thighs rofl ...
anyway, funny how the cycle doesn't hurt my ankle... anyhow, thats my "revampt" plan ...

continue to keep me in your prayers .... i'm going to only measure the beginning of each month .... and your support is fantastic ... so far, i've only fallen 2X ..... once was last night, boooo; but thats ok, it happens and God is merciful ... and i will do just a little better next time!!

luv you all, ty


PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:26 am
by xxJILLxx
yay lion!!

Im so proud of u sis!!!! *saint*

im doing good on ephesians 5
Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children. And live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave His life as a ... its on the tip of my tongue... i just had it .. i know what it is but cant remember the exact words.... sacrifice.. ok needs some more work


PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:41 am
by Lionhearted
that is fantastic jill!!!! keep up the great work sista


i find when i memorize the Word it seems that i'm NEVER going to get it .. then all of a sudden vwwwwaaallllaaaa!! i remember it.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:29 pm
by goldieluvs
woo hooo u go jill!!!!! and no worries ms lion!! All of Gods word is good. Whichever u start with first, its awesome that your memorizing
luvs u both very much


PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:00 pm
by Lionhearted
i love the encouragement here ... its great to remember that when we have little spills and falls, that we keep moving forward ... no matter how small the steps are!!

my memory verses are coming along great ... ran into a little stumble as i found that the amplified version is rather "wordy" i was comparing it to the standard english version; less words to memorize however, the amplified is the one that i really enjoy and get the most out of sooo, after being slowed down for a couple of days, i've decided to forge ahead with the amplified version ... i know all of God's Word is inspired but doesn't it just figure that my favourite would be the Word-e-est .... hubby says its no surprise to him .... *Eyebrow*


PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:10 pm
by goldieluvs
wow lion sis whoo hooo hear u roar!!! U r doing so awesome!! exercising even with a bad ankle and memorizing the Word. Kudos to u sis!!! Whooo hoooo and jill u keep a rocking with those verses sis yall are doing awesome
