Splash. Your post has touched my heart as how honest and open you shared this for us, knowing that it is not an easy thing to do. I can see and understand why you chose to post it here. I suppose your sister and I had similar behaviors. I too got to a point of isolating myself and not letting anyone close to me. Isolation is very dangerous to a person who is addicted.
I am proud that you were able to take care of here her last few months. I am also proud that you chose to share yourself with us. I Do know that there will be some who struggle will the same kind of addiction. Actually, most people will deny the fact that this has become a problem with them. I am just thankful that God gave you the courage to share as you can and will help others in return. I have seen you grow here in such a short time frame and you turning your will over yo His will Daily. I know that you have sought God's power to do this, and sometimes the temptations are there.
It has been such a pleasure to share for us to share with each other and to become brothers and sisters in Christ. You have been such a blessing to me and are such an asset to many here. I could on and on as this has thrilled my soul to see God at work in your life. You have brought a smile to my face as I see you healing and becoming whole. God Bless you my friend and I praise Him to have given you the strength and courage to do so. Luv Ya. Real.