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Participation ... Do we really take part ?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:23 am
by vahn
I mean really , all of us KNOW we have a problem , most of us WOULD LIKE to do "something about it" , and some of us who "decide" to "do something" almost don't go beyond occupation of a chair , drinking the coffee , eating the cookies , read some of the materials , the finding of any ear that would listen to our never-ending boo-hoo stories that our love of alcohol , drugs , and sinful activities that "caused" our state of misery at an AA meeting or church , being under the FALSE PRETENCE , that doing these we are "doing something about our "problems" . Yes , we ARE ... doing something allright , but what ? ... Oh yeah , I get it !! *Doh* , "I went to AA didn't I ? " ... "I went to "counseling" didn't I ? " ... " I joind a church ? " ... Oh and here's the one that gets me most ... " I laid ALL my "problems" at the foot of the Cross " !?!? ... HAH !! what in the world do we think the Cross IS ? An emotional dumpster of a sort ? ... Are we really taking the PROBLEM to God or are we just taking our emotional boo-hoos ( ok , "feelings" !!) to Him ?

Ok , so I just got done letting everyone know what I did for the longest time "trying to do something about my "problems" , ... only to turn around , go back to the Cross and say "oops , this one got there by mistake !" take it back and start working on a new set of problems (this one's different) and start the ball rolling again and wondering what happened !!

The razor-sharp mind of this wretch didn't realize that , in order for him to take ANYTHING ANYWHERE has to first , find out WHAT is it that he's takingand WHY ? ...Hmmmm

When one ends up breaking-up in hives or a rash because they ate strawberries , KNOWING they are allergic to them , going to The Doctor to "take care" of the rash does NOT solve the ALLERGY and worse yet even the "Why is it that I keep doing this ?" ... Doesn't it make more sense if we were to think that the "rash" is only a SYMPTOM of an pre-existing problem ? Like allergy ? ... or a self-deception of "this time will be different" (oh yeah ... go ahead , blame the enemy , your past ... just blame ANYTHING that moves !!)

In order for me to take my problem to the Cross , I had to first , be willing to WALK (action) to it , and before I even consider to do that , I had to find out what the NATURE of the "problem" was , and NOT , the consequences of it , taking care of the consequences NEVER solved ANYTHING .

Well , I'd better pause here before this post turns into a newspaper .

In Christ , our Lord

Re: Participation ... Do we really take part ?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:25 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
Hey brother,
I don't see the need to stop there.....I thought you where hitting right on in this topic and I am to say the least sitting here saying.....OUCH!!! but just as you are saying, quit puttin a bandaid over it and HEAL IT!!
I liked the way you used the strawberries as a metiphor (sorry I know that's not how you spell it), only with me I keep eating the strawberries and instead of the doctor I wait until the hives go away and eat some more!! and then complain *Doh*
SO finish writting "the paper" cause I'm really wanting to see what else you have to write.
God bless you bro

Re: Participation ... Do we really take part ?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:01 pm
by realtmg
Speaking of.............There have been many members come here for help and direction. We worked with them for weeks and months.
Where did they all go? When I do not see certain names logged in; I wonder if they went back to their old ways.
Maybe I said something they did not like? eh..
So many people come here and are so proud they found Oasis. I've seen many come and go. I do not judge,but I often wonder wonder where they went.
One gives in order to receive.
Just had this on my mind for some time now.

Luv ya,

Real *Computer*

Re: Participation ... Do we really take part ?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:50 pm
by momof3
Brother Vahn!

Awesome! I agree! (the strawberry thingy cracked me up cuz if I eat one again, I die *Whistle* ) but ohhh, how our addictions kill without:

Get to the ROOT of the problem...with His leading...

God bless ya, bro. Would like to read more, too...
