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PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:11 am
by huelsingbroad
i have finished this program, and plan to go back thru it soon. it is interesting that the gifts i have always known were within me i have by faith begun to excercise. one thing, the test we took don't explicitly say what gifts GOD has given. i know what they are though and i will use them for HIS glory

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:39 am
by deetu
Woo Hoo huelsingbroad!

I think God gives each of us different gifts for our personalities so it would be hard to show that, especially if someone doesn't realize it's a gift because of a test.

First church I went to after being saved the Pastor had a study. He gave us a test to see what our gift was. I tied for two things and he said I could only have one gift *Doh* This Pastor also said I couldn't pray for people in the hospital until I went through HIS study even though God was telling me to go. Yea, God had me leave that church shortly after and I went on to the hospital even without training.

Best thing to do is... let the Holy Spirit guide *BigGrin*

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:04 pm
by mlg
Yippeee!!! *angelbounce*

Sis this program is one that you can review continually in your help you refine where God wants you to be...You've come so very far since the day you first came to the Oasis...I've enjoyed watching you grow and I have been truly blessed. So many souls out there hurting and lost sis...may God spread His light through you.

luv ya bunches