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Im hurting
I dont know where to begin. I have now been seperated for 10 weeks now. Things are not getting any better. In fact, they are getting worse. I have lost everything. My wife, my kids, my car and now my home. All my money goes to her. She got the most out of me because I was trying to please her. There is hardly anything left for me. She told me that she did not want a divorce but now she is saying all along that she intended to divorce me. She has absolutly no desire to be around me and in her mind we are no longer married. I am in a constant state of depression. I have lost nearly 50 pounds in this 10 weeks. For the second time in a month I have completly broken down crying barley able to breath. I dont know what to do anymore. I am trying to be patient but things are only getting worse. I do trust in God but it still hurts. How do you express love to someone who wont even talk to you. I am at my wits end. This is just so hard. I love my wife so much. The problem is that I have invested everything into her. I have noone to fall back on. I have no other friends to talk with or turn to. My only friend I have is in another state and is full of himself right now. I hardly hear from him. I know this is just a giant pitty party for myself but this is how I am feeling. I am sooo alone and scared for the future. I know nothing is impossible for Him. Just why does it have to be so painful. I just want to feel normal again. At least I wont be coming home to an empty house. I get to move back in with my dad. Yea me!
tntchao - Posts: 25
- Location: NC
- Marital Status: Seperated
Re: Im hurting
Im so sorry you are hurting this way. I know it is just about one of the hardest things of your life to go through. You have to give this time. It took a while for you to get to this place in your marriage...and healing isnt going to happen over night. There is alot in there that the Lord wants to work on.
Is your wife saved? Would she consider Christian marriage counceling? It may be that she is too angry to see past it right now. Im praying for you...and for her...and for your kids. I know you feel alone, but, you must trust Him and what He says through this. He is with you. He will not leave you.
I pray God's will will be done in your marriage..and in all hearts involved.
In Jesus,
love momo
Is your wife saved? Would she consider Christian marriage counceling? It may be that she is too angry to see past it right now. Im praying for you...and for her...and for your kids. I know you feel alone, but, you must trust Him and what He says through this. He is with you. He will not leave you.
I pray God's will will be done in your marriage..and in all hearts involved.
In Jesus,
love momo

James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.
momof3 - Posts: 1402
- Location: Texas
- Marital Status: Not Interested
Re: Im hurting
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through so much right now. I know it hurts, I know. 
But you know what? You are in the best spot possible for God to do a wonderful work in your life. I know that sounds cliche and cheesy, but it's true. God allows somethings to happen at certain times in our lives to "bring us closer to Him". The very fact that He has allowed this to happen, means that He is going to work something supernatual in your life.
Right now, I know it's hard to see. You can't see what God is about to do, because you are so focused on what has already happened. And that's ok. Take whatever time you need to get over this (we will be standing by your side in prayer), and then watch God work in your favor!
You know, scripture says that "if you don't suffer with me, you won't reign with me". I believe that. All of God's children will go through something(s) in their lives. The suffering teaches us that God is still in control and to put our faith and trust in Him. But you know what I really think about the suffering? I think God misses you. And for you to go through some suffering, is His way of bringing you back closer to Him.
Just remember you are not out here all alone and by yourself. We are standing with you. God bless.

But you know what? You are in the best spot possible for God to do a wonderful work in your life. I know that sounds cliche and cheesy, but it's true. God allows somethings to happen at certain times in our lives to "bring us closer to Him". The very fact that He has allowed this to happen, means that He is going to work something supernatual in your life.

Right now, I know it's hard to see. You can't see what God is about to do, because you are so focused on what has already happened. And that's ok. Take whatever time you need to get over this (we will be standing by your side in prayer), and then watch God work in your favor!

You know, scripture says that "if you don't suffer with me, you won't reign with me". I believe that. All of God's children will go through something(s) in their lives. The suffering teaches us that God is still in control and to put our faith and trust in Him. But you know what I really think about the suffering? I think God misses you. And for you to go through some suffering, is His way of bringing you back closer to Him.

Just remember you are not out here all alone and by yourself. We are standing with you. God bless.

Faithandlove - Posts: 61
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Seperated
Re: Im hurting
Hello Tntchao 
God bless you this day.
I am sorry you are hurting, and I do understand the pain, truly I do, and I'm sending up prayers for you, dear Tntchao. I hope you receive the comfort that The Holy Spirit is extending to you. He loves you so very much, Tntchao. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.
Let's talk a little, okay? Ten weeks ago, when you had packed your belongings and said your goodbyes what did the thoughts of freedom look like to you? What was it that it represented? Obviously you were not happy, nor content with the state of your marriage, family and lifestyle, and you were ready and eager to walk away from it all -- escape it, seeking to be free. Where were you going -- Where was "freedom" leading you?
Oftentimes when we know change must take place, it looks one way when we make the decision, but when another (God, our spouse, our boss, whomever) makes that decision for us, change can take on a whole different appearance. But, I suggest, it really is not different, but simply a matter of perception.
Marriage is the most challenging relationships there is. I say that by experience, as I've been married for 38 years. It is meant to be the most blessed relationship, second only to our relationship with The Lord. Yet, most of us fail miserably at both. But, Praise God, there is still hope in Him. Yeah!!! Thank You Jesus.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. That statement comes straight from The Bible. It is Truth! I encourage you to keep hope alive. Seek The Lord with everything ounce of your being, Tntchao. He loves you, and your wife and your children more than you can comprehend at this moment. You are not alone, and The Lord has a plan and a purpose for you. Take this time to seek Him. , and things shall be added.
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousnous; and all these things shall be added unto you.
You may be asking, "what things?" Provision, love, peace and joy of the purest form found only in Christ Jesus.
Your wife is hurting too. Pray for her. All those years you were not happy and content, neither was she. There are many raw wounds, yours and hers, which need healing. Pray for her, and pray for yourself too. The Lord loves you.
My prayers continue to rise to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. May God's blessed will be done.
Keep journaling, Tntchao, and keep reading the CCCC Study, and continue seeking the Lord.
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack

God bless you this day.
I am sorry you are hurting, and I do understand the pain, truly I do, and I'm sending up prayers for you, dear Tntchao. I hope you receive the comfort that The Holy Spirit is extending to you. He loves you so very much, Tntchao. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.
Let's talk a little, okay? Ten weeks ago, when you had packed your belongings and said your goodbyes what did the thoughts of freedom look like to you? What was it that it represented? Obviously you were not happy, nor content with the state of your marriage, family and lifestyle, and you were ready and eager to walk away from it all -- escape it, seeking to be free. Where were you going -- Where was "freedom" leading you?
Oftentimes when we know change must take place, it looks one way when we make the decision, but when another (God, our spouse, our boss, whomever) makes that decision for us, change can take on a whole different appearance. But, I suggest, it really is not different, but simply a matter of perception.
Marriage is the most challenging relationships there is. I say that by experience, as I've been married for 38 years. It is meant to be the most blessed relationship, second only to our relationship with The Lord. Yet, most of us fail miserably at both. But, Praise God, there is still hope in Him. Yeah!!! Thank You Jesus.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. That statement comes straight from The Bible. It is Truth! I encourage you to keep hope alive. Seek The Lord with everything ounce of your being, Tntchao. He loves you, and your wife and your children more than you can comprehend at this moment. You are not alone, and The Lord has a plan and a purpose for you. Take this time to seek Him. , and things shall be added.
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousnous; and all these things shall be added unto you.
You may be asking, "what things?" Provision, love, peace and joy of the purest form found only in Christ Jesus.
Your wife is hurting too. Pray for her. All those years you were not happy and content, neither was she. There are many raw wounds, yours and hers, which need healing. Pray for her, and pray for yourself too. The Lord loves you.
My prayers continue to rise to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. May God's blessed will be done.
Keep journaling, Tntchao, and keep reading the CCCC Study, and continue seeking the Lord.
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
Mackenaw - Posts: 2426
- Location: NY
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Im hurting
I know this is a very painful and stressful time. 
Praying for you, your family, and your situation.
Gods will be done.

Praying for you, your family, and your situation.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
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