ciny's second time around

I 'am entering this Stepping stone Journal with an open mind and an open heart in Jesus name
i ask you to walk with me and talk with me God and reveal to me what keeps me bound and shed light on it.
in Jesus name amen
I noticed on the first step talks about friendship and how a relationship
requires a good foundation based on trust to withstand the trials and tribulations.
I can see in my life is my foundation is very fragile in the trust area it is in dire need of repair
To tell you the truth i don't ever remember having trust in anyone all i knew
was abuse i came from a dysfuctional family my family went to church
i got a mixed message on how to live as a Christian i learned as i went along watching others. it helped.
my life was a mess it still is but its getting cleaner one step at a time.
so here i am taking the stepping stone to better my self walking on the water getting closer to Jesus.

in Jesus name amen
I noticed on the first step talks about friendship and how a relationship
requires a good foundation based on trust to withstand the trials and tribulations.
I can see in my life is my foundation is very fragile in the trust area it is in dire need of repair
To tell you the truth i don't ever remember having trust in anyone all i knew
was abuse i came from a dysfuctional family my family went to church
i got a mixed message on how to live as a Christian i learned as i went along watching others. it helped.
my life was a mess it still is but its getting cleaner one step at a time.
so here i am taking the stepping stone to better my self walking on the water getting closer to Jesus.