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ciny's second time around
I 'am entering this Stepping stone Journal with an open mind and an open heart in Jesus name
i ask you to walk with me and talk with me God and reveal to me what keeps me bound and shed light on it.
in Jesus name amen
I noticed on the first step talks about friendship and how a relationship
requires a good foundation based on trust to withstand the trials and tribulations.
I can see in my life is my foundation is very fragile in the trust area it is in dire need of repair
To tell you the truth i don't ever remember having trust in anyone all i knew
was abuse i came from a dysfuctional family my family went to church
i got a mixed message on how to live as a Christian i learned as i went along watching others. it helped.
my life was a mess it still is but its getting cleaner one step at a time.
so here i am taking the stepping stone to better my self walking on the water getting closer to Jesus.

in Jesus name amen
I noticed on the first step talks about friendship and how a relationship
requires a good foundation based on trust to withstand the trials and tribulations.
I can see in my life is my foundation is very fragile in the trust area it is in dire need of repair
To tell you the truth i don't ever remember having trust in anyone all i knew
was abuse i came from a dysfuctional family my family went to church
i got a mixed message on how to live as a Christian i learned as i went along watching others. it helped.
my life was a mess it still is but its getting cleaner one step at a time.
so here i am taking the stepping stone to better my self walking on the water getting closer to Jesus.
Last edited by ciny on Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:28 pm, edited 23 times in total.
Hi Ciny
I am so proud for you taking this step. I look forward to the journey ahead. An open mind a good way to approach this. Prayers will be with you as you journey along.
Love ya sis
I am so proud for you taking this step. I look forward to the journey ahead. An open mind a good way to approach this. Prayers will be with you as you journey along.
Love ya sis
Even in the hardest of times...He is there holding our hand
see my web page here: Peace After The Storm
see my web page here: Peace After The Storm
Tam - Posts: 957
- Location: Mississippi
- Marital Status: Married
Ciny's life's journal day 2
The Garden of the mind
Weed pulling
What clicked with im me today is this THE PROBLEM IS NOT ME!!!!!!, the bigest weed of them all in my Llife i belived this lie for a long time i was told the abuse was my fault that i commited a great sin so evil came upon me.
I refuse to belive that LIE... LIE... LIE ...LIE...there is no way that any kind of abyuse ia a child fault let alone a child that can't walk let alone speak yet.
The enmey planted bad seeds in to me by using others to do it like the people who chose to sin and used me to do it. or being blamed for a car accident my Mother Got in to with her best friend her friend died she told me it was my fault to and that i should have never been born.that i was a mistake
I pull those weed out today in Jesus name the those lies of of being a mistake the weeds of guilt and shame. I clean out the Garden of my mind
and renew it with Gods word. iam no longer being choked out but breathing in God's word i'am refreshed and renewed by reading your word
God's word says i have a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:13....For i know the thoughts that i think tword you says the
Lord ,thoughts of peace and not of evil,to give you a future and a hope,
I love this scripture m i love how God says that he thinks good thoughts
about me thoughts of peace and not evil and i have a furutre and hope.
it excites me i want to cry that he loves me. im not alone like i thought i was and he has never let me down, this site is very helpful.
Weed pulling
What clicked with im me today is this THE PROBLEM IS NOT ME!!!!!!, the bigest weed of them all in my Llife i belived this lie for a long time i was told the abuse was my fault that i commited a great sin so evil came upon me.
I refuse to belive that LIE... LIE... LIE ...LIE...there is no way that any kind of abyuse ia a child fault let alone a child that can't walk let alone speak yet.
The enmey planted bad seeds in to me by using others to do it like the people who chose to sin and used me to do it. or being blamed for a car accident my Mother Got in to with her best friend her friend died she told me it was my fault to and that i should have never been born.that i was a mistake
I pull those weed out today in Jesus name the those lies of of being a mistake the weeds of guilt and shame. I clean out the Garden of my mind
and renew it with Gods word. iam no longer being choked out but breathing in God's word i'am refreshed and renewed by reading your word
God's word says i have a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:13....For i know the thoughts that i think tword you says the
Lord ,thoughts of peace and not of evil,to give you a future and a hope,
I love this scripture m i love how God says that he thinks good thoughts
about me thoughts of peace and not evil and i have a furutre and hope.
it excites me i want to cry that he loves me. im not alone like i thought i was and he has never let me down, this site is very helpful.
The enemy likes to lie to us huh ciny..
Once he is exposed and we begin to learn the truth and see him for what he is worth (nothing) kinda gives us a feeling of peace huh.
You keep replacing those lies with HIS truth
you are doing good sis.
Once he is exposed and we begin to learn the truth and see him for what he is worth (nothing) kinda gives us a feeling of peace huh.
You keep replacing those lies with HIS truth
you are doing good sis.
Even in the hardest of times...He is there holding our hand
see my web page here: Peace After The Storm
see my web page here: Peace After The Storm
Tam - Posts: 957
- Location: Mississippi
- Marital Status: Married that's it! You are recognizing the lies of the enemy...and beginning to stop them dead in their tracks before you believe them to be the truth...oh I am smiling and I know God is as well.
Renewing in God's just the right dose of medicine we need to help us heal from the wounds of the past.
Stay on the path are doing well.
luv ya
Renewing in God's just the right dose of medicine we need to help us heal from the wounds of the past.
Stay on the path are doing well.
luv ya
Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
Oh ciny you are going to do fabulous on this journey! I just know it.
I believe in you.
You're right it wasn't your fault.
Guilt free. 

You're right it wasn't your fault.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
The Path God's Grace
The Path God's grace
Heavenly Father I open up my heart to you today reveal your truth to me as i walk with
you down this pathway you have layed before me.
Today i lay a firm foudation That is being built upon your son Jesus the rock of my salvation
the Chief Corner Stone. Foundation that is built up on trust.
This is what stands out to me today as i studyed and have read stepping stone step three.....
David and Bathsheba all the times i have read this and seromns i have herd on this story i didn't
see the whole picture i only saw how David repented for to God for watched Bathsheba bathing
and lusted after her while her husband was away at he knew she was married and layed
with her got her pregnant and when he herd she was with child he ordered the captian of the
army to put Uhria Bathshebas husband on the front lines of the battle field to be killed...............
Affter he learned that Uriha had died he took Uhrias wife Bathsheba as his wife the baby was born
and God struck the baby with sickness and he died.
David grived deeply for the sin he had commited aginst God and Bathsheba and all those involved
God forgave him i got that part................................................................................................
This is what i didn't get Bathsheba forgave him for betrying sure she had to go before the
Lord in prayer to forgive him and the pain she had to be in over the loss of the love of her life and
the death of her son..........I know i have had to go before God and pray and seek forgiveness for
for holding on to resentment and anger toword God and the people who abused me i have prayed
for years to have God remove the anger the resentments and the memorys and the flash backs
that comes with the abuse.....
Bathsheba stayed with David and forgave him her forgiveness reminds me of the Love God has
for us how he sent his only Son to die on the cross for our sins how he sees us through his son
Jesus and the blood that was shed for us on calvery.
I love this David and Bathsheba had another Son Solomon and Solomon went on to write some of
the five Poetic books Posibly Job,some Of the Psalms.Provbers,Ecclesiasties.and the Song
of Solomon......
Jesus also came from the blood line of David i belive that David's true repenting and Bathsheba
forgiving David with her whole being saved the blood line for Jesus to come and die for us
The enemy Satan tried to destroy The blood line so Jesus could not redeam us from the curse
of sin he tryed to plant seeds of betrail dis trust,unforgiveness. like he did by having people
use me to commit their sin of sexualabuse and,mental abuse,and verbale.
I chose to walk in Forgiveness today and forgive them of there tresspasses against me and to see
them the way You see them in love and grace like your words on the cross Jesus forgive them
for they know not what they are doing amen
Heavenly Father I open up my heart to you today reveal your truth to me as i walk with
you down this pathway you have layed before me.
Today i lay a firm foudation That is being built upon your son Jesus the rock of my salvation
the Chief Corner Stone. Foundation that is built up on trust.
This is what stands out to me today as i studyed and have read stepping stone step three.....
David and Bathsheba all the times i have read this and seromns i have herd on this story i didn't
see the whole picture i only saw how David repented for to God for watched Bathsheba bathing
and lusted after her while her husband was away at he knew she was married and layed
with her got her pregnant and when he herd she was with child he ordered the captian of the
army to put Uhria Bathshebas husband on the front lines of the battle field to be killed...............
Affter he learned that Uriha had died he took Uhrias wife Bathsheba as his wife the baby was born
and God struck the baby with sickness and he died.
David grived deeply for the sin he had commited aginst God and Bathsheba and all those involved
God forgave him i got that part................................................................................................
This is what i didn't get Bathsheba forgave him for betrying sure she had to go before the
Lord in prayer to forgive him and the pain she had to be in over the loss of the love of her life and
the death of her son..........I know i have had to go before God and pray and seek forgiveness for
for holding on to resentment and anger toword God and the people who abused me i have prayed
for years to have God remove the anger the resentments and the memorys and the flash backs
that comes with the abuse.....
Bathsheba stayed with David and forgave him her forgiveness reminds me of the Love God has
for us how he sent his only Son to die on the cross for our sins how he sees us through his son
Jesus and the blood that was shed for us on calvery.
I love this David and Bathsheba had another Son Solomon and Solomon went on to write some of
the five Poetic books Posibly Job,some Of the Psalms.Provbers,Ecclesiasties.and the Song
of Solomon......
Jesus also came from the blood line of David i belive that David's true repenting and Bathsheba
forgiving David with her whole being saved the blood line for Jesus to come and die for us
The enemy Satan tried to destroy The blood line so Jesus could not redeam us from the curse
of sin he tryed to plant seeds of betrail dis trust,unforgiveness. like he did by having people
use me to commit their sin of sexualabuse and,mental abuse,and verbale.
I chose to walk in Forgiveness today and forgive them of there tresspasses against me and to see
them the way You see them in love and grace like your words on the cross Jesus forgive them
for they know not what they are doing amen
Last edited by ciny on Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:51 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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